The Ice Bucket Challenge is supposed to be an awareness and fundraising campaign for the fight against ALS where people either donate $100 to the ALS Association, or dump an ice cold bucket of water on their heads and then donate $10 to the ALS Association. Then they get to challenge three other people to do one of those two things. Many uninformed people are just dumping a bucket of ice on their heads and then challenging other people to do the same, which doesn’t do a whole hell of
Read MoreSo, everyone has seen the ice bucket challenge by now, and there are many people who are dubious that pouring water on your head actually helps accomplish anything, Writtalin writers included. But everyone’s favorite eccentric, crazy celebrity just one-up’d the world with his rendition of the ice bucket challenge. Sorry boys n’ girls, Charlie Sheen is America’s shining light when it comes to the ice bucket challenge…
Read MoreIt’s absurd how fast things can spread around the Internet. Before someone cries and whines about how ALS is marginalized or whatever, hear me out. I think donating money to research ALS is awesome. Dumping an ice bucket over your head, not so awesome. Here is why: (like always, a short list for all the Attention Deficit people out there…so basically everyone). It’s Narcissistic Yay! You got 75 likes because you participated. Now everyone will think you’re such a good person for doing that. I bet you got butterflies
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