Posted On August 19, 2014 By In Buzzworthy, The Scene

Charlie Sheen Makes the #IceBucketChallenge Way Cooler


So, everyone has seen the ice bucket challenge by now, and there are many people who are dubious that pouring water on your head actually helps accomplish anything, Writtalin writers included. But everyone’s favorite eccentric, crazy celebrity just one-up’d the world with his rendition of the ice bucket challenge.

Sorry boys n’ girls, Charlie Sheen is America’s shining light when it comes to the ice bucket challenge…


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Ascher Robbins is the Founder, CEO, and Editor-In-Chief at Writtalin. He is a proud UCSB graduate and Vail, Colorado native. Ascher started Writtalin to get rich and famous, but so far, he is neither of those things. He is, however, a pretty alright dude. You can email Ascher at: [email protected]