It’s time to stop kidding ourselves. Resolution #1: Lose weight Actual outcome: Go to the gym a couple times a week but still eat like shit and drink like a frat boy on the weekends, resulting in maybe a pound lost and regained over the course of a month. Rinse, repeat. Resolution #2: Cook for myself and stop eating pasta and salad every night like a scrub Actual outcome: Maybe cook quinoa or lentils every once in a while. Continue to buy the Publix pre-made roasted chicken. Resolution #3: Keep a budget
Read MoreMaking resolutions for the new year is easy: lose weight, read more, eat healthy, blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately, these life changing commitments are typically abandoned well before the second month of the year. Instead of setting yourself up for failure with vague resolutions and no plan of action, this can be the year that you actually follow through. Instead of “lose weight” 1. Don’t drink during the week. Alcohol isn’t doing us any favors when it comes to our health. For most people, it’s pretty unrealistic to cut out alcohol
Read MoreI used to think that the term “young adult” referred to Twilight novels only, but I am tired of repeatedly crediting my generation as “twenty-somethings,” so here we are. New Year’s resolutions are either a popular or vexatious topic, depending on the seriousness of the declarations and the audience’s own commitment to growth and change, but there is hardly a young adult who doesn’t use social media in some form or another. In this Near Year if you make any resolutions, I hope you dance, yes, but also that your resolutions
Read MoreLesbehonest…I had McDonald’s for lunch today. And for breakfast yesterday. Possibly multiple times this week. When it comes to being healthy and working out, it takes a small miracle to get me anywhere near kale and/or a treadmill. But as I grow older, I’m not-so-subtly often reminded of the reality of a declining metabolism and drooping physique. Enter the gym. Actually, more like gyms. I’ve cycled through (literally… I hate spin classes) a new gym almost monthly since graduating from college and attempting to be a real adult with a
Read MoreI get it bros. Most of us think we’re the most badass dudes in the world and that the only thing we need to change about ourselves is the car we drive or the money in our bank account. But no matter who you are, there is always room for improvement. Here are five easy, productive changes for men to make in 2014. Get it done. #5 – Be a Fucking Gentleman Too many dudes these days don’t care enough about chivalry. No, you don’t need to give the
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