struggle Tag

As a young female professional who’s had a full time job for about four months now, I think I’m mostly qualified to write this article. Which, judging by the way the business world works, should mean I can probably manage to pull it off. There are a few basic struggles I think pretty much all of my 20-to-30-something female peers working in an office environment can relate to. Correct me if I’m wrong.     1. Older professionals thinking you’re clueless Nothing is more annoying than having a more ‘experienced’Read More
In America, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and along the way the once cherished American middle class got stuffed. According the ALF-CIO, America sees one of the largest CEO to average worker income gaps in the world with American CEOs pocketing more than $12 million annually while the average American worker brings in just over $34 thousand annually. Add the fractions, carry the 1 and you have a pay rate difference of astronomical proportions – the average American CEO, in 2012, made around 202.3 times moreRead More

Posted On May 28, 2014By Basic BeccaIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Summertime Sadness

I have spent a majority of the past 8 months begging for summer to greet me with her sunshine and warm weather. I wanted needed shorts and sandals. I laid in bed beneath my down comforter in my fleece footie pajamas with my space heater cranked up wondering when the madness would end, wondering when I would enjoy walking outside again, wondering when it wouldn’t be necessary for me to have a parka accessible at all times. Alas, summer is here! But let’s not forget that every rose has its thorn,Read More

Posted On May 6, 2014By Rachel HarrisonIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

21st Century Girl Woes

It’s hard out there for a chick. It’s never been a cakewalk for us females and despite girl power being at an all time high, the 21st century has introduced a slew of new problems.  We are now faced with difficulties such as… 8 – Attempting to do some DIY seen on Pinterest and ending up with a mason jar full of glitter, a terrible burn from a hot glue gun, and the worst tangle in the history of hair. Pinterest is the birthplace of disappointment, frustration, and injury. 7Read More