Lesbehonest…I had McDonald’s for lunch today. And for breakfast yesterday. Possibly multiple times this week. When it comes to being healthy and working out, it takes a small miracle to get me anywhere near kale and/or a treadmill. But as I grow older, I’m not-so-subtly often reminded of the reality of a declining metabolism and drooping physique. Enter the gym. Actually, more like gyms. I’ve cycled through (literally… I hate spin classes) a new gym almost monthly since graduating from college and attempting to be a real adult with a
Read MoreIf you’re a functioning human being, you need to have a good LinkedIn profile. “But Writtalin, I love my job!” said no one ever, “I would never want to leave!” Not a valid excuse. At some point in your future, you’ll either need or want to begin the job search anew, and you’ll kick yourself for not keeping your profile up-to-date when you had the resources to do so. Now it just looks like you’ve been working at the same pizza restaurant that you delivered for in high school for
Read MoreConsider this a rebuttal to Shannon’s piece, or consider this an incomplete guide to ALL the things women do that piss us off. As you may have expected, this list of female annoyances is longer than its male counterpart, for obvious reasons: women are amongst the most annoying creatures to ever inhabit this planet. Yeah, we can’t live without them…but sometimes we really wish we could. Here are some common things chicks do that drive dudes up the freakin’ walls. Reading WAY too much into things we don’t give any
Read MoreMen, take note. We all have a list of things that annoy us about the opposite sex. Here are a few common things that men do that women really hate: Send one word or one letter texts: Nobody likes to receive a one word text message, but here’s why it’ll actually get men into trouble: When a woman sends a “k,” she’s actually sending a “whatever, asshole.” When a man sends a “k,” he’s actually sending a “k.” Unfortunately, women interpret this message the same way they would interpret their
Read MoreAlright dudes, listen up. If you’re older than a college freshman and not in a fraternity, then it’s time you man the hell up and stop drinking Keystone Light, Natty Ice, and PBR. Actually, let’s go a step past that: start having some damn class – no more Bud Light, Coors Light, or Corona either. Get into microbrews, get into imports, and start acting like a cultured MAN instead of some frat dudebro who thinks drinking Corona is getting classy. It isn’t and it never will be. BUT, just because
Read MoreUnlike in today’s world, food was scarcely available to our ancient ancestors. The cavemen had to hunt and gather for their food and eat tiny scraps that were barely enough to survive on. Food was not consumed for its taste, but for the pure purpose of providing energy and life. A handful of berries, a few slimy bugs, or better yet, a bloody, fatty, raw morsel of squirrel meat was considered good eatin’ for the day. Hell, in my anthropology class about the ancient Aztecs, I learned that the most
Read MoreHere are a few tips on how to keep your lady status intact when going out in public, under the influence… -Stop Getting White Girl Wasted: We all know this girl. She’s taking shot after shot, screaming and dancing around when her jam comes on, and trying to tell her more reasonable friends “I’M LIKE TOTALLYYY NOT THAT DRUNK BEEETCH!” We all have our drunken moments, I get that, but this will only be acceptable a handful of times before you are labeled a drunk mess. Pacing yourself is always
Read MoreAs the New Year starts, many people are thinking about putting their best foot forward to find a new job or re-vamp their business attire. Business attire does not usually change often. Nevertheless, it can be used to differentiate between conservative, business casual, and in some places casual wear. Overall, it is only fitting that dress codes directly relate to the type of profession one has. For example, the banking industry seeks to have their associates dress ultra conservatively — or in other words “play it safe.” After all, you
Read MoreAs an entire unit, women weren’t on their best behavior in 2013. We can blame Miley all we want, but at the end of the day, we are the only ones responsible for our piss poor antics. Amanda Bynes was out here busting it wide open on Twitter, Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey were acting like children on American Idol, Kim K was doing far too much as usual, and don’t get me started on the animals who star in shows like “Love and Hip Hop” and “Basketball Wives”. Apparently,
Read MoreRegardless of whether you’re hitting up one or ten music festivals this year, there’s still some amount of preparation required for each one. You and your group are put up against massive crowds, unfamiliar territory, extreme climates, and questionable states of mind. You might end up as group leader, you might be tagging along for a good time. Either way, make sure your asses are covered. Base Camp These things take planning. Buy your festival tickets and figure out where you’ll be sleeping as early on as possible. It
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