I know you’re all tired from losing an hour this past weekend, so here’s a video to surely make your day that much better. Someone took the famous kitchen scene from Jurassic Park and put cats in instead of raptors. I’m throughly entertained.
Read MoreBefore you have a rage stroke, that’s not just another clickbait headline. It’s true and I’ll tell you why. First, let’s back up and take a moment to bask in the majesty of the Internet. In terms of sheer size, scope, and overall effect on humanity, it’s a pretty sweet invention–maybe even one of the most important inventions of all human history. (Obviously, the #1 most important will always be melted cheese.) Almost everything in the developed world has been revolutionized by and now depends on the internet: shopping, university
Read MoreIn the cluttered world of YouTube, it’s often difficult to decide what to watch. Between the sea of cat videos, epic meal suggestions, and the ever-growing FAIL catalogue, it can sometimes seem like you’d break a greater mental sweat (*ahem) “brushing up on your typing skills” than keeping up with your subscriptions. Luckily, there are oases scattered across the brain-dead wasteland of YouTube, the most refreshing of which is provided by none other than the Public Broadcast Service. Hosted by spirited think-geek Mike Rugnetta (@mikerugnetta), PBS’s Idea Channel deconstructs Internet
Read MoreSocial media is critical in today’s world. Many of us depend on it as a primary form of communication. We use it to keep in touch with old friends whose birthdays we might otherwise forget. We use it to learn more about our friends. We use it to share important events in our lives with all of our friends. Without a doubt, social media has lots of GREAT uses. However, like anything in this world, there are cons for every pro. Here are some of the WORST ways people use
Read MoreIn the past year, we were introduced to short, 6-second videos that captured our A.D.D.-addled minds and distracted us for (sometimes) hours on end. Vines were introduced in January of 2013 and progressively grew more and more popular throughout the year. This Vine compilation of the best of the year showcases some of the most creative (and ridiculous) Vines. And when you’re done, YouTube suggests more compilations to watch – turning a 30-minute break into 4 hours of Vine compilation marathons. And click here for the official Vine
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