Winter Sports Tag

Picture of Olympic rings
I know the internet is obsessed with cats and curling. So, why not put them together? I can’t wait to see this sport in the next winter games! Yes.Read More

Posted On February 19, 2014By Cat HauslerIn Sports, Sports Takes

Why the USA Women’s Hockey Team is Awesome

When I was eight, my parents moved us from the San Francisco Bay Area to a small Colorado mountain town. Don’t ask me why, it’s a long story… Anyway, apparently, one day after we’d been in Colorado for a few months, I came home from school and announced, “Carlee’s dad is starting a girl’s hockey team and I’m going to play!” My parents were surprised to say the least. Not only had I never played hockey before, but I could barely skate. Still, I did join the Lady Blades hockeyRead More