workplace Tag

When it comes to professional growth and empowerment, finding the right environment is key. The United States, a mosaic of cultures and opportunities, offers a variety of cities beyond the usual suspects like New York or San Francisco, where women can thrive professionally.  Even if there have been advancements in the area of gender equality in the workplace, female professionals and entrepreneurs still face a maze of particular difficulties. One of the most prevalent problems is financial access; firms run by women frequently obtain a smaller percentage of investment thanRead More

Posted On September 10, 2014By Lucy EnrightIn The Scene, Up For Debate

Gen Y Bashers: You Hate Us But You Raised Us

I come across more and more articles everyday about Generation Y as if we’re some kind of plague suffocating innocent civilians with our overinflated egos – thanks a lot mom and dad. The nerve of those parents for giving us encouragement, praise, and positive reinforcement!      Shout out to all the haters behind the countless articles berating Gen Y (someone’s parents didn’t love them enough). But hey, much like us Gen Y-ers, you’re entitled to your own opinion. And while I can’t say I totally disagree with many ofRead More