a.k.a. “iPhone: A Love Story” Author’s Note: This is not a promotional story about an iPhone. This is the story about how my phone helped me fall in love. To start this story off, I feel the need to clarify that we did not meet on Tinder. I recently reconnected with an old friend of mine. Okay, I say friend, but what I really meant was someone that used to come into my work and I would relentlessly flirt with because she was a 10 and I
Read MorePhilip Seymour Hoffman overdosed on something that he loved, or at least couldn’t live without. This is a list of things that I think I love enough (or at least, if introduced to, couldn’t go without) to overdose on. Root Beer You don’t need an ID to purchase it and it goes great with every meal… Root Beer truly is the swing-man of the beverage world. What kid hasn’t pretended to get drunk off of IBC? Now imagine drowning yourself in a pool of it. Commence the salivating.
Read MoreWith the late and great Philip Seymour Hoffman passing away, all of a sudden EVERYONE is a fan of his work. My Facebook feed is flooded with people posting up long sonnets about how he truly was one of the greatest actors of his generation. The whole situation is very reminiscent of when that drug addict Amy Winehouse – who was simply living on borrowed time – passed away. Or Whitney Houston, who I thought was dead a few years before her “untimely” passing away in 2012. It saddens me that we
Read MoreThis is a letter I wrote to myself after recently looking at one of my high school yearbooks. Please excuse the language; I was wearing a lot of tie-dye in the pictures. Dear Asshole, This is you, 11 years in the future. First things first, you look fit! Well done. Keep it up. It’s easy to stay fit. It is hard to regain that. So keep up the good work. Now, down to business. Cut your hair, you look like an idiot. Turns out that Mom was right when
Read MoreNo more beanbag chairs and using paper towels to dry off after a shower (if you haven’t tried that ever, you should), it is 2014 and you need to get your shit together. This is a list of things that you should own as an adult male, that is, unless your New Year’s Resolution was to “Live Life Like a Character from Workaholics.” Buying secondhand is fine, I don’t really care how you get it done. But I am sick of going to a friend’s house and being offered a
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