When you think of two guys going out, your brain immediately goes to a show on Bravo. But that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s a common misconception that bros cannot go on a date with one another. No, there are no romantic overtones or sexual innuendos intended here. Just two bros enjoying one another’s company. It’s called a man-date, and it exists.
I embarked on a man-date of my last night. My buddy and I met at a Brewhouse in Burbank, with the sole intention of having a beer and a meal with a similar person. No sex involved here. Just bro-ness-dom. You must respect this relationship, because a bro doesn’t just go to dinner with any bro. He goes with his closest, confidant bros. Those that he connects with on a deeper level than most other bros. It’s special, unique, and something he doesn’t even share with most women. Why? Only a bro would understand, bro.
Men need their freedom to hang with other men. Ask any doctor, I’m sure he will agree. Our ladies should too, but they don’t. It’s a damn shame, a damn shame I tell you. The world just needs to understand a man’s need for an occasional man-date. Plain and simple. It offers a man the opportunity to reset his system. To reinvigorate his testosterone. To rediscover his manliness. How else can you get back your manliness than by hanging out with other men? You can’t. It’s the one and only way, and you know it. There’s nobody paying for the bill, no expectations of getting to any ‘bases’ afterwards, just a couple of bros conversing on a variety of subjects. It’s an eye-opening experience that I would recommend to any fellow bro.
Bros should get to know their bros. Homosexuality is its own thing. Let me be clear, if a guy is going out to dinner with another guy in the hopes of getting inside his pants then that is his own prerogative. My prerogative is to get to know a bro. That’s all. I want to know more about the person I go to for life advice. Thus, trusting them for more life advice. Yes, the more we hang out with our bros, the more we learn to either trust them or distrust them. Hopefully, the former.
Back to last night. My man-date went quite well. My bro and I connected like we always do, as any excellent bros do. We solved all the world’s problems before we even finished our drinks. Damn, sometimes a man-date feels great. Try it, you’ll like it.
Tags : 2014, advice, Bravo, Bro, Burbank, Burbank California, Date, Homosexuality, Innuendo, Man, Men, People, Relationships
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