Posted On June 23, 2014 By In Artist Interviews, Music

Artist Insider: Camila Grey of Uh Huh Her


I decided months ago that it was appropriate and ethical to be in my underwear during a phone interview for a potential job. But here I was faced with a new question of ethical dilemmatude: Is it acceptable to conduct a phone interview in my underwear? In the name of all things great and pantless, I decided Yes.  Always and of course.  Basically, it is encouraged.

Camila Grey, lead singer and guitarist of Uh Huh Her had a smokey, easy voice that probably would have gotten me out of my pants regardless.  With the kind of voice that could fuel fantasies as a phone sex operator, it seems like a natural alternative that she puts her voice to good use in the electro-pop band Uh Huh Her, alongside fellow bandmate Leisha Hailey.  Together, they are sexy without trying.

However, when I asked Camila which of the 7 Deadly Sins their latest album, Future Souls, most embodied, she claimed pride.  “This is our least lusty record we’ve ever written.  All our past records are lovey-dovey songs and this one is more philosophical…as opposed to wanting someone.”

What is really remarkable about this girl power duo is their freedom and success after a break up with their label in 2008.  Camila cited their independent journey as the element UHH is most proud of concerning this new album.  Without the general help and assistance from their label, UHH was not only able to finance the album, but also to tour behind it–which Camila says is a “testimony to the fan base and [their] work ethic.”

As far as their biggest challenge, Camila pegged the exact same thing, calling it a “blessing and a curse.”  With only 5 employees, they can’t reach as big of an audience as they’d like to and they rely primarily on social media, word of mouth, and their “hardcore fan base.”

Multiple references to her fans showed Camila’s appreciation and realness.  “A lot of shows we go out and meet fans and sign merch, we come face to face with the people…it’s really sweet and validating, makes me want to work harder.”

If you’ve never heard of UHH, do yourself a favor and listen to this:

You can support these kick-ass independent ladies and catch them on the west coast for the last leg of their tour!

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Kelsey Darling is a writer for Writtalin. Kelsey recently-ish graduated with an unhelpful degree from Portland State University. After a brief venture to Utah to live amongst the Mormons, she is now the palest person living in San Diego. She has a deep passion for whales, prominent eyebrows, and silver foxes. She has never been cool and neither has her hair.