Jack White, “Just One Drink”
Jack White will always be known The White Stripes. Jack and Meg brought cool and intrigue back to rock and roll and created “Seven Nation Army,” which has one of the most recognizable riffs in music history. The White Stripes are retired and Jack is now an indie mogul in Nashville with his own record company, two side project bands, and his own solo career. He’s touring right now behind Lazaretto his second solo album and playing two and a half hour concerts with set lists spanning his entire career. “Just One Drink” is the best song on Lazaretto. It has the hallmarks of a White Stripes song, simple, catchy, and short, but adds new touches like backup singers and country-fried texture.
White Lung, “Lucky One”
White Lung is a punk band. They play fast, ferocious songs that are easy to listen to without getting tarnished by the pop punk label. Excellent lead singer Mish Way balances energy, sarcasm, and being pissed off. She sometimes sounds like Ann Wilson from Heart. The rhythm section is also female and White Lung has a feminist bent, but it doesn’t overshadow the great music they make. And if you like punk music then you should appreciate feminism anyway.
Tune-Yards, “Water Fountain”
For the uninitiated, Tune-Yards is the brainchild of Merrill Garbus. Her songs are catchy, percussion driven, and have the sugary lightness of a popsicle on a hot summer day. “Water Fountain” is fuller and more listenable than past hits “Bizness” and “Gangsta” building up to a nice cacophonic groove. At the same time, I think Tune-Yards might become one of the more divisive indie bands, because some people think her songs are creative and others think they are annoying.
Band of Skulls, “Brothers and Sisters”
Band of Skulls is a British band that’s opened up for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and that’s a pretty good touchstone. If you like BRMC, Band of Skulls might be up your alley. “Brothers and Sisters” has a solid groove and a shout along chorus, worth showing up early for if they are the opening band.
King Khan & the Shrines, “Land of the Freak”
King Khan & the Shrines plays hectic revival garage filtered with hyper Muscle Shoals horns. It’s boozy, boisterous, overstuffed music that makes the most sense in a small club where the onstage antics add context and a few helpful pitchers of brew help grease the ears. This is my favorite song on the album and a good first taste of the mayhem.
Tags : Band of Skulls, Best of 2014, Jack White, King Khan & the Shrines, music, Music Reviews, Spotify, Summer 2014, Tune-Yards, White Lung
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