In a year full of hotties mentioned in this space, we have to confess that Jade takes the cake. Originally featured as a #WCW back in February, we had the pleasure of working with Jade as our Miss April as well. Let’s take a look back at some pictures of our hottest lady of 2014! (And please, follow Jade on Twitter and Instagram for your own sake).
Read MoreAs the year ends, it’s time that we take stock of everything that has happened in the last 365 days and make sense of it all. Like any other year, 2014 was a time of highs and lows, ups and downs, the good and the bad. But ain’t nobody got time to focus on the bad stuff, so let’s take a look back on the BEST things we’ll remember from 2014. Here are my picks for the best of 2014. Best Movie of 2014: Gone Girl I most certainly did
Read MoreJack White, “Just One Drink” Jack White will always be known The White Stripes. Jack and Meg brought cool and intrigue back to rock and roll and created “Seven Nation Army,” which has one of the most recognizable riffs in music history. The White Stripes are retired and Jack is now an indie mogul in Nashville with his own record company, two side project bands, and his own solo career. He’s touring right now behind Lazaretto his second solo album and playing two and a half hour concerts with set
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