Alcoholism rocked my early 20s. Typically of the white wine variety, it was an hourly obsession that could have destroyed my life if I had let it. Spoiler alert: I’m almost two years sober. It’s not always easy though, especially during holidays like Fourth of July when I have to pretend that O’Doul’s is really doing it for me. If I’m ever feeling envious enough of my normal-drinking peers to fantasize about picking up, I just have to remind myself that, well, I can’t. “Elin, honey, you poured a bottle of chardonnay on
Read MoreGood Day Silver Can, You’re probably feeling uncomfortable. I’m sure you’ve heard it on the streets, near the locker room, even outside that little theater in your neighborhood. So I’m going to say it to you, right here, directly, with no # or @… I love you. Sure, you hear it all the time! Maybe some of your friends (caffeine-free DC) even think it’s going to your head (re: your latest ad campaign), but do the others really mean it? Do they sing your praises day in, day out, against
Read MoreI once took a quiz for a psychology class that was supposed to test how addictive your personality is. The results were basically like: “DO NOT TRY DRUGS YOU HAVE A SUPER ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY AND YOU WILL PROBABLY DIE.” I took that quiz long after I had already become hopelessly devoted to the beautiful bitter sweetness that is coffee. It’s pretty much been confirmed: I’m addicted. My family knows. My friends know. My acquaintances know. Complete strangers know. They accept it. In case you’re wondering about what life is like
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