Utah Family Shows Up Cher from Clueless Okay so this story is mostly depressing, but after reading into the facts more I’m thinking there’s something very strange going on here. A woman in Utah has been accused of killing six of her own babies and storing the bodies in boxes in her garage. Megan Huntsman admitted to strangling and suffocating the children immediately after their births. So all of that is completely disgusting and wrong but here’s the really weird WTF part that got me. Huntsman’s husband had no idea
Read MoreBefore you have a rage stroke, that’s not just another clickbait headline. It’s true and I’ll tell you why. First, let’s back up and take a moment to bask in the majesty of the Internet. In terms of sheer size, scope, and overall effect on humanity, it’s a pretty sweet invention–maybe even one of the most important inventions of all human history. (Obviously, the #1 most important will always be melted cheese.) Almost everything in the developed world has been revolutionized by and now depends on the internet: shopping, university
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