Some days we have the rush of work, managing relationships and taking care of ourselves. Other days we have nothing to do besides stare at the wall. I think I am more of a night owl because my deepest thoughts come out at night, as well as my to-do list, and my friends. Some days we may lose ourselves and think we cannot move on or think we are at the end of no return. Keep the positivity, and carry out these 9 things each night when you find your
Read MoreI write this as I’m falling asleep in bed, at midnight, on a Friday (I promise I lead an exciting life). Ever since I was younger, I was always trying out new ways to fall asleep faster, stay asleep, or ways to not wake up so much during my sleep. I have lavender lotions (lavender is a sleep aid), websites bookmarked on my computer with advice and dream catchers for those scary dreams. Despite my findings, I never really told people my secrets on how to go to bed happy…
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