Good Day Silver Can, You’re probably feeling uncomfortable. I’m sure you’ve heard it on the streets, near the locker room, even outside that little theater in your neighborhood. So I’m going to say it to you, right here, directly, with no # or @… I love you. Sure, you hear it all the time! Maybe some of your friends (caffeine-free DC) even think it’s going to your head (re: your latest ad campaign), but do the others really mean it? Do they sing your praises day in, day out, against
Read MoreIf you live anywhere east of California, you know where to go to feel good in the morning, or any time of the day for that matter. Where the coffee is fantastic, the donuts are savory, and everything is amazing. If you don’t believe in heaven on Earth, then you haven’t visited a Dunkin’ Donuts. Let me speak on behalf of all Californians in saying, what are we paying taxes for if there’s no Dunkin’? Currently, there are only 2 Dunkin’ Donuts locations in Southern Cal – Barstow and Oceanside.
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