Posted On March 18, 2014 By In Food and Drink For Men, Food and Drink For Women, Manzone

Dunkin’ Donuts Makes the World a Better Place


If you live anywhere east of California, you know where to go to feel good in the morning, or any time of the day for that matter. Where the coffee is fantastic, the donuts are savory, and everything is amazing. If you don’t believe in heaven on Earth, then you haven’t visited a Dunkin’ Donuts. Let me speak on behalf of all Californians in saying, what are we paying taxes for if there’s no Dunkin’? Currently, there are only 2 Dunkin’ Donuts locations in Southern Cal – Barstow and Oceanside. Really? I guess they are trying to put heaven inside of hell (at least in the case of Barstow). But alas, over 40 new shops are opening in Los Angeles/Orange County by 2015. Finally, my prayers have been answered.


Let me share with you my first Dunkin’ experience…..

I was a young teen, walking the streets of Boston. When I noticed there was this particular donut shop on every street corner. Seriously, EVERY STREET CORNER. I wondered what the rage was all about, so I walked in and had a glazed. My life was forever changed. It was better than kissing a girl for the first time, and better than getting a driver’s license. Unfortunately, I underwent a seven year hiatus from Dunkin’s deliciousness. Finally, in 2010, my buddy and I had some Dunkin’ as soon as we landed at Newark. This time, I had the coffee as well. Yet another life changing experience. But as usual, I went back to living in California and longed yet again for this tasty fix. That’s why I am ecstatic for 2015.

I plead with you lovely readers. I’m sure there are millions reading this article who are drinking terrible coffee. Aren’t you dreaming of Dunkin’ right now? Don’t you want to savor the flavor of deliciousness? Trust me, you do. And if native Californians knew what it tasted like, they would want it NOW.

When Dunkin’ comes out here, buy them as often as you can. Because 40 locations are nice, but I’m an ambitious person. I say, why not 50? Or 60? Or 1,000? Let’s spread the Dunkin’ joy to every part of the west coast and save Pacific Time Zoners from mediocre coffee. Sorry Starbucks. Invest with me. I want to own me some franchises. Together, we can change the world.

Godspeed and donuts.

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Brian Wray is a writer for Writtalin. A self-proclaimed hipster who makes his home in San Diego, he recently escaped LA after working in production and casting for the past 2 years. His interests are tennis, recording music, and more tennis. Follow his various works at And Twitter him @BrianWrayMedia