Posted On September 13, 2022By Sophia SmithIn Lifestyle
No matter the industry, building your own business is always a challenging and demanding endeavor. However, the task becomes even more difficult when you’re opening a coffee shop, as the hospitality sector tends to be the most ambitious and competitive one. To beat the competition and come out on top, make sure to cover the basics from the start. With that in mind, here are some tips you should follow in order to run a coffee shop successfully: Create a business plan Just like any other venture, starting a coffee
Read MoreKnowing that I would be undergoing rotator cuff surgery was frightening enough, but having to worry about what to do during my time off was a stress I did not expect. I was a little nervous and apprehensive, thinking of friends and colleagues of mine who complained of post-surgical blues when they had to take their own medical leave. This is in part due to normalizing a life of going at 100 mph (including holding a full-time job, attending to a family, countless other activities and obligations), and then abruptly slowing down
Read MoreWhen you open the door, you’re welcomed with a cool jazz number, the overwhelming aroma of the daily brew, and the enticement of little french pastries that cost close to minimum wage. Ah, Starbucks. I spent six years calling out names, multi-tasking drink orders, donning the green apron, and being considered “stupid in three different languages.” (Thank you, everyone who finds that joke to be original.) My time as a barista with the company was nothing short of rewarding, as I was able to make solid friendships and learn the
Read More 1. Watching your coffee pot fill up in the morning is so beautiful it moves you to tears (it’s the miracle of life) 2. You wouldn’t wish decaf on your worst enemy. 3. There is a special place in hell for people who try and lecture you on “the dangers of caffeine.” 4. You want to punch anyone who drinks lattes, caramel macchiatos, or anything of that sort and has the AUDACITY to call it coffee. 5. You will always sacrifice a couple extra minutes of sleep to make
Read MoreMy first semester of college, I worked at a chain coffee and bagel café. I have always affirmed that every person needs to work in food service at least once in their lifetime. It is difficult to express how exceptionally vital it is that people understand the toil behind where their services come from, and the crucial nature of treating workers with respect. I have also always held the belief that every person needs to work at least one “crappy job” in their life to fully understand the value of
Read MoreThere are four ways my day can start out. If you see me in the morning, as most people at work do, you can know exactly how I’m doing based on my coffee. Not my coffee consumption or what type of coffee, nothing of that sort. It’s the thing that carries the coffee, whatever you want to call it. 1. No Coffee (not really) And by no coffee I mean no coffee at work. This day has not existed in about a month, maybe more. This is of course, my most impressive
Read MoreIt was Senior year of college. I was stressed, but we were all stressed. I’d like to say I was more stressed than you were, but who am I to say such a thing? What I’m saying is I was stressed. And even more, I was getting fatter. It was terrible. I lived on the beach, but the thought of a bathing suit gave me more anxiety than the amount of shopping debt I’d gotten myself into. (I’m always in shopping debt and now Chase keeps calling trying to offer
Read MoreI once took a quiz for a psychology class that was supposed to test how addictive your personality is. The results were basically like: “DO NOT TRY DRUGS YOU HAVE A SUPER ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY AND YOU WILL PROBABLY DIE.” I took that quiz long after I had already become hopelessly devoted to the beautiful bitter sweetness that is coffee. It’s pretty much been confirmed: I’m addicted. My family knows. My friends know. My acquaintances know. Complete strangers know. They accept it. In case you’re wondering about what life is like
Read More(As told by a two-term Editor-In-Chief at a college newspaper) 1. Do cool stuff for free ‘on assignment’ Want to see a concert, upcoming movie, play or art exhibit? Two words: press pass. Tons of places are looking for exposure and press, and if you contact them saying your publication wants to write a review or behind-the-scenes feature, you can probably check it out for free. Other opportunities include trade shows, political events, festivals, etc. Use this power wisely. 2. Feel really cool while you talk about the cool
Read MoreIf you live anywhere east of California, you know where to go to feel good in the morning, or any time of the day for that matter. Where the coffee is fantastic, the donuts are savory, and everything is amazing. If you don’t believe in heaven on Earth, then you haven’t visited a Dunkin’ Donuts. Let me speak on behalf of all Californians in saying, what are we paying taxes for if there’s no Dunkin’? Currently, there are only 2 Dunkin’ Donuts locations in Southern Cal – Barstow and Oceanside.
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