I find myself glumly returning to the pool of unemployed college graduates JUST in time for holiday parties. How convenient. I broke up with my job on Friday and I have to admit, it felt good! I’ve never broken up with a person and felt this positive afterwards. But, like any split, we have to deal with the allocation of snacks, random gifts, and office supplies (that turned out to be more happenstance than intentional because I left in a hurry). Here’s the way the cookie crumbled: What They
Read MoreBecause you can’t always do it the easy way… Think Spend Sunday night marinating in a bath of whiskey and deep thought. What do you want? What do you not want? How do you feel? Make a pros and cons list if that helps. But seriously jump in a bubble bath at least and check in with yourself. Write Tell your feelings to a blank journal page. Try to make sense of your feelings. The Decision Decide, almost on a premeditated whim, that you are going to
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