Posted On May 5, 2014 By In Dating For Women, Girlzone

How to Actually Break Up With Someone


Because you can’t always do it the easy way…



Spend Sunday night marinating in a bath of whiskey and deep thought.  What do you want?  What do you not want?  How do you feel?  Make a pros and cons list if that helps.  But seriously jump in a bubble bath at least and check in with yourself.




Tell your feelings to a blank journal page.  Try to make sense of your feelings.


The Decision

Decide, almost on a premeditated whim, that you are going to break up.  It’s going to happen.  Today.


The Invitation

Contemplate and consult a sister with dumpsters of dumping experience on the proper etiquette of breaking up.  Should you invite him over?  Should you go to him?  Should you meet in a neutral place?  When she ignores your plea for help, settle on your apartment.  Send him the classic We Should Talk text.



The Arrival

Have momentary second thoughts on seeing his face when you open the door.  Convince yourself to stick to your guns as you lead him down the hallway to your bedroom.


The Break Up

Lay it on him straight.  “I don’t want to date anymore.”  Wait for his reaction.  When he seems to be okay, detail your reasons.  When it’s done and he still seems to be okay, ask him if he’s okay.  He’s fine.  He gets it, it makes sense, he just didn’t see it coming.  He won’t know how to leave, but he won’t know how to stay.  You both know that this is all there is left and when he leaves, it’s over.



You’re allowed to feel sad.  Even if you’re the breaker-upper.



Move Forward

On to the next adventure!

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Kelsey Darling is a writer for Writtalin. Kelsey recently-ish graduated with an unhelpful degree from Portland State University. After a brief venture to Utah to live amongst the Mormons, she is now the palest person living in San Diego. She has a deep passion for whales, prominent eyebrows, and silver foxes. She has never been cool and neither has her hair.