I find myself glumly returning to the pool of unemployed college graduates JUST in time for holiday parties. How convenient. I broke up with my job on Friday and I have to admit, it felt good! I’ve never broken up with a person and felt this positive afterwards. But, like any split, we have to deal with the allocation of snacks, random gifts, and office supplies (that turned out to be more happenstance than intentional because I left in a hurry). Here’s the way the cookie crumbled:
What They Got
- My mustard: An entire delicious bottle of zingy condiment that I stupidly left in the fridge!
- Several cartons of leftovers: A 3 day old salad, and a pulled pork sandwich from last week
- A post-it note with my yelp user name and password in the desk drawer
- The half-eaten bag of pretzels I left in my snack drawer: I’m kicking myself for this one. Snyder’s of Hanover and everything.
- The bag of popcorn, also in my snack drawer, that I inherited from someone else
What I Got
- A company pen that I accidentally borrowed one day
- A final paycheck
- An office key that I forgot to return (oops!)
- A mini Jesus jewelry plate with a Bible verse: “Be still and know that I am God.” This gift from my boss was waiting for me on my desk one day after she fired my supervisor. I like to think of it as her way of hinting at her all-powerful authority and dominance.
Tags : breaking up, Employment, Funny, Girlzone, goodbyes, Growing Up, Jobs, lifestyle, work
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