work Tag

image source As employees, we often focus on the completion of tasks, meeting deadlines, and reaching workplace goals. While these indeed are important facets of a successful career, it is equally important to note that paying attention to our health is as vital for long-term productivity and overall well-being. A healthy worker is more engaged, efficient, happier, and able to perform at their best. In this article, we will explore five practical ways to protect your health, from supporting workplace safety to nurturing mental wellness. Address Mental Health with RegularRead More
image source As the world transitions into remote work, a digital nomad lifestyle has become the trend of the day. While this freedom of working from any location brings with it handsome opportunities, it also brings challenges in maintaining a work-life balance. Without an office structure, it can get a bit difficult to stay productive and explore new places. Here are five essential tips for maintaining a healthy balance between work and budget travel as a digital nomad: Drawing clear boundaries between work and leisure time is one of theRead More
There are some people (mainly employers) who are desperate to stick to the old ways of office work, but the truth is that remote work is here to stay. The best way to battle this conflict of interest is to go with the flow and embrace flexibility–workers who want to work remotely can do so if they want, and they will be able to do it super well. If you yourself love the nomadic lifestyle and want to try it out, but are not sure about sacrificing your stability andRead More
busiiness safety

Posted On June 28, 2022By Sophia SmithIn Lifestyle

Business Safety Tips 101

Safety in the workplace is imperative for running a successful business. The last thing you need is a bad reputation after having employees injured because you didn’t secure your site. To know confidently that everyone is safe during working hours, you will need to know the key steps to running a safe business. From regular inspections to necessary training and equipment maintenance, various factors can contribute to you running a safe business.  Intermittent equipment maintenance Company management should be in charge of checking the entire equipment regularly. During every controlRead More
Working from home is the ultimate goal for many, but it does come with its challenges as well. One of the biggest issues people face is being able to mentally leave “home mode” and enter “professional mode” when they’re surrounded by so many distractions, which is possibly why home offices have become so popular in recent years. However, even a dedicated space might not be enough for some to improve focus and efficiency, so here are some wonderful home office color and design ideas that will allow you to createRead More
Knowing that I would be undergoing rotator cuff surgery was frightening enough, but having to worry about what to do during my time off was a stress I did not expect. I was a little nervous and apprehensive, thinking of friends and colleagues of mine who complained of post-surgical blues when they had to take their own medical leave. This is in part due to normalizing a life of going at 100 mph (including holding a full-time job, attending to a family, countless other activities and obligations), and then abruptly slowing downRead More

Posted On April 17, 2015By Jackie RodriguezIn Miscellaneous, Rants

10 Secrets From a McDonald’s Employee

Work sucks. I think I’ve mentioned this at least six times before, but it just really sucks. As part of my intense dislike for the job, I’ve decided to dish the beans and spill the dirt on the secrets I’ve learned– and used myself– since starting my minimum wage job. 1. Sometimes when we say the coffee’s fresh, and we say, “There’s a fresh pot in the back” it just means we’re going to microwave the coffee. It’s probably one of the most common lies we tell. There are peopleRead More

Posted On March 26, 2015By Jackie RodriguezIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

Things No One Tells You About Growing Up

If you’re like me– sixteen and thrust into a grown up world of taxes and employment before you even graduate– then you’re probably internally dying over taxes, employment, and what in God’s name the powerhouse of the cell is…because you have a biology test next week and you have no idea. If you’re not like me, congratulations, because you still have a soul hidden from the rudest people in mankind and the desperate urge to sleep. Juggling this all would’ve been easier with a handy guide to navigating the intricaciesRead More
Week after week we seem to get lost in the shuffle. It’s normal and means you’re doing something right. If it was easy then it’d be boring. But stress mounts, so here are some ways to renew yourself on a daily basis. Because life is too short to spend day after day feeling drab. 1. Stretching This has helped me immensely. I started doing this to prepare myself for tennis and I now try to do it every morning in between gulps of coffee. Stretching your body stretches your mind…Read More
As the economy teeters back from it’s near seven-year dance of riding on a single rail companies are once again starting to hire. And with so many eager participants to no longer be underemployed, HR departments are barely treading water above a deluge of applications. This perfect storm has given birth to the unhallowed beastie of employment-seeking, the kraken of job-getting: the group interview. In the wide and awkward world of acutely uncomfortable moments that is attaining employment, there is almost no greater circus of discomfort than the group interview. ARead More
You know how sometimes you get text messages from friends that just kind of irritate you? Maybe it’s a hostile “K” or a passive aggressive “:)” or maybe it’s just a “hahah.” And you think, “Hahaha?” That’s not a response. Those aren’t words. Those are sounds. You sent me sounds. How am I supposed to respond to that? Right, so texting has become this enigma of conversation where we laugh, but aren’t actually laughing and send smiles when no smiles are actually occurring and that’s all fine and well becauseRead More

Posted On November 27, 2014By Kelsey DarlingIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Breaking Up With Work

I find myself glumly returning to the pool of unemployed college graduates JUST in time for holiday parties.  How convenient.  I broke up with my job on Friday and I have to admit, it felt good!  I’ve never broken up with a person and felt this positive afterwards.  But, like any split, we have to deal with the allocation of snacks, random gifts, and office supplies (that turned out to be more happenstance than intentional because I left in a hurry).  Here’s the way the cookie crumbled:   What TheyRead More
As a young female professional who’s had a full time job for about four months now, I think I’m mostly qualified to write this article. Which, judging by the way the business world works, should mean I can probably manage to pull it off. There are a few basic struggles I think pretty much all of my 20-to-30-something female peers working in an office environment can relate to. Correct me if I’m wrong.     1. Older professionals thinking you’re clueless Nothing is more annoying than having a more ‘experienced’Read More

Posted On November 10, 2014By Kelli JohnsonIn Advice For Men, Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

The Pursuit of Complacency

I was four-years-old when I came to the realization that I couldn’t read. Of course, at that point, I never could read, but it was at this age that I became acutely aware that I couldn’t read and that everyone else could. My mom could. My dad could. My eleven-year-old sister could. It was basically all the guy on Reading Rainbow could talk about… Why couldn’t I? So I did what any four-year-old would do and I asked my mom, “When will I know how to read?” My mom wasn’t entirelyRead More
Once school is all done with, most young adults believe that being a professional is all about nailing the job and title. The thing you come to realize is there’s more to it than just getting the job. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that your dream job doesn’t equal your dream workplace. Learning to deal with people, deal with situations, and how to correctly do your job all come with experience, but there are a few things that automatically are engrained in us when entering the work field.   CommunicationRead More