lifestyle Tag

There are some people (mainly employers) who are desperate to stick to the old ways of office work, but the truth is that remote work is here to stay. The best way to battle this conflict of interest is to go with the flow and embrace flexibility–workers who want to work remotely can do so if they want, and they will be able to do it super well. If you yourself love the nomadic lifestyle and want to try it out, but are not sure about sacrificing your stability andRead More
When it comes to professional growth and empowerment, finding the right environment is key. The United States, a mosaic of cultures and opportunities, offers a variety of cities beyond the usual suspects like New York or San Francisco, where women can thrive professionally.  Even if there have been advancements in the area of gender equality in the workplace, female professionals and entrepreneurs still face a maze of particular difficulties. One of the most prevalent problems is financial access; firms run by women frequently obtain a smaller percentage of investment thanRead More
Taking a camper on the road can be a wonderful way to experience the world while still having a convenient and comfortable place to stay. However, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your trip runs successfully, whether you’re going on a weekend break or a cross-country expedition. Here are some pointers to help you maximize your camper experience: Plan Your Route Ahead of Time The ability to go anywhere you choose is one of the best aspects of camper trips. To avoid any unpleasant shocks,Read More
Somebody once said that “a house is on the outside, a home is on the inside”. Whether you live in a charming country house or a cookie-cutter urban concrete block, the true character of your home is revealed in its interior design. If you’re looking to give a little unique personality to your living space, you might want to give these tips a try. Paint from your own palette Every era of design has its preferred colour scheme, and we seem to be living in the Neutral Age now. Browns,Read More

Posted On April 15, 2022By Sophia SmithIn Lifestyle

Stylish Home Decor Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

Are you planning to redecorate your home and bring a scent of freshness into the interior? Following home décor trends will enrich your home just like new fashion trends make your wardrobe radiate a whole new shine. In 2022, home décor trends are a mixture of calming nature and classic everlasting elements. Want to know more? Check out the list we’ve set up and create an ambience in your home everyone will enjoy. Black accents for the win One of the emerging trends of 2022 are black accents. Have youRead More

Posted On April 6, 2022By Sophia SmithIn Lifestyle

10 Reasons to Visit Montenegro in 2022

In 2022, we can finally start thinking about traveling again, so if you’re considering your first post-pandemic trip destination, make sure to make it diverse, fun and full of action—just like Montenegro. This little Adriatic gem is still fairly undiscovered, but don’t hesitate to invest in this stunning trip and explore all the riches and blessings of Montenegro. Want to know exactly why you should go there?  Easy exploration Thanks to its perfect geographical position, Montenegro is very easy to explore. It’s small, so you can quickly go from oneRead More

Posted On December 16, 2016By Samantha SurfaceIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

An Open Letter to My Friend Who Lost a Parent

Dear Club Member, I’ve been where you are before, but you’re there now and that’s what matters.  We are members of a club that does not discriminate, but no one wants to be included.  I remember telling you I was part of this club only to have you look at me with compassion and forgiving eyes, but telling you I hope you don’t have to join for a million lifetimes.  But you’re here, with me by your side, wishing we were anywhere but here. We stand side-by-side because one parentRead More
Knowing that I would be undergoing rotator cuff surgery was frightening enough, but having to worry about what to do during my time off was a stress I did not expect. I was a little nervous and apprehensive, thinking of friends and colleagues of mine who complained of post-surgical blues when they had to take their own medical leave. This is in part due to normalizing a life of going at 100 mph (including holding a full-time job, attending to a family, countless other activities and obligations), and then abruptly slowing downRead More
traveling gluten free
“But, the Spanish eat cheese and bread with everything!” This is what I commonly heard when talking to people about my diet restrictions on gluten and dairy prior to leaving on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain – a 500-mile pilgrimage that would require me to eat close to 5,000 calories a day in order to handle trekking an average of 15 miles a day, while only being able to carry 15 lbs on my back.  Here’s to hoping the Camino provides (a common phrase you hear throughoutRead More

Posted On June 3, 2016By Allyson DarlingIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

Diary of a 23 Year Old in San Francisco: 2

May 11th: Unfortunate Items to Carry On Public Transportation 1. Super Tampons  A charge had been placed on all bags in stores such as, Walgreens, Target, Safeway, Sex Stores, and Taco Bells alike. (I get really touchy, by the way, when I have to pay ten cents for the transportation device of my bean and cheese burrito with no onions and seven packets of mild hot sauce.) This means that when I am trying to support the environment and the survival of baby seals and not pay ten cents that I sometimes am facedRead More
Those on the inside already know that this happened a couple of months ago, so it should give you some indication about how busy life can be balancing work and the duties of a first-time parent. In any case, I’m back, and I finally have time. As Brittany and I began to look ahead to the birth of our son, we worked towards preparing for the insane number of variables that go into the planning of delivery. How will you birth your child? Naturally? Will you use painkillers? Are youRead More
May 5: Labels This isn’t a terribly original idea, I ‘m afraid, but recent circumstances have caused me to realize how exceptionally convenient it would be if males came with labels. By labels, I specifically and exactly mean a small stamp on the back of their furry little necks, or measly muscled calves, that summarized, in one word or phrase, the most critical information regarding their personality and/or damaging characteristics (physical and non) to any glimpse of a relationship. For example, if one of these males was staggeringly, emotionally unavailable in that dating him was like dating a scarecrow,Read More
At the age of 25, I have decided that I have my life in order. I have finished postsecondary education. I have a teaching job that I love despite the low-ish pay, but that salary will only increase over time. I have health insurance, I have a roof over my head, and for the most part, I am debt-free. And I’m having a kid. Well, not me per se. My wife, Brittany, is the one actually having it, meaning, giving birth. We met each other over five years ago andRead More

Posted On December 27, 2015By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Women, Girlzone, Lifestyle

Celibacy, Drugs, and Rock & Roll

I’ve been here before; it’s an old familiar corner, an imaginary coalition — The Sad Girls Club. It exists solely for the sads that sprout from nothing. Pounding hearts, jaws that clench, minds barren of rational thought and practicality, as one cries as hard as the shower water comes down and tries to get it together enough to shave an armpit (or two). This exists in me and in the small veins in my temple, and the large veins in my opposite elbows, and it holds a weight that IRead More
“Merry Christmas!” “Happy Christmas!” “Happy Hanukkah!” “Happy Kwanzaa!” “Happy Holidays!” “Festive Pagan Solstice!” Whichever greeting you prefer this time of year, odds are, someone will be unreasonably butthurt by it. “How dare you have a different upbringing from mine…” they’ll scoff, while lumping you in with the real terrorists, with their filthy, minimalist, “war on Christmas” Starbucks cups. Damn heathens… But no matter what their self-righteous, butthurt poison, we can all agree on one thing: our friends, families, co-workers, mechanics, pets, dentists, and Jimmy John’s delivery guys have disappointed usRead More