Posted On February 12, 2025By Sophia SmithIn Lifestyle
image source As employees, we often focus on the completion of tasks, meeting deadlines, and reaching workplace goals. While these indeed are important facets of a successful career, it is equally important to note that paying attention to our health is as vital for long-term productivity and overall well-being. A healthy worker is more engaged, efficient, happier, and able to perform at their best. In this article, we will explore five practical ways to protect your health, from supporting workplace safety to nurturing mental wellness. Address Mental Health with Regular
Read MoreWhen it comes to professional growth and empowerment, finding the right environment is key. The United States, a mosaic of cultures and opportunities, offers a variety of cities beyond the usual suspects like New York or San Francisco, where women can thrive professionally. Even if there have been advancements in the area of gender equality in the workplace, female professionals and entrepreneurs still face a maze of particular difficulties. One of the most prevalent problems is financial access; firms run by women frequently obtain a smaller percentage of investment than
Read MoreI am the biggest sucker for sunsets, and Los Angeles particularly seemed to know that. My first time there was enough to have me stumbling over, in love. The term “takes my breath away” has always been a cheesy one. Walking into the sunset is clichéd. But that was exactly what LA was – sheer beauty – and no other way to describe it. LA punched me, slapped me – enamoured, enthralled me. I gazed with glassy eyes over sunsets brighter, bloodier than any I had ever seen. I stumbled
Read MoreRegardless of which college you attend, these are 16 must-do’s to put on your bucketlist. College is called the best four years of our lives for a reason—but it’s also such a short time we must take advantage of. Not only are the academic opportunities plentiful, but the callings for adventure are, as well. With greater independence and freedom, this is our chance to explore beyond our comfort zones and discover every facet of ourselves. Good luck! 1. Attend a sporting event Regardless of whether your school is a
Read MoreThere is no sensation quite like the anticipation of imminent departure. I remember my final week at home before returning to college, each morning awaking next to friends I cared about deeply. It would be 7am, the sunlight freckled across our statuesque faces—our arms in legs entangled in a silent refusal to move and an unspoken plea to stay. Then, the sudden jolt of our rainforest alarms, the slam on the 15-minute snooze. The lethargic, reluctant roll over to friends on each side—groggily, but oh, so acutely, understanding that our
Read MoreThe other day while I was laying in bed with a bowl of coffee, my favorite KTLA news reporter said something that semi-grabbed my attention. She said, “blah blah blah professional eater blah blah blah.” Professional eater? My eyes had been opened and it wasn’t the coffee this time. If there was a job title like that out there in the open, what else was there? As someone who is clearly looking for another job, I had to investigate further. Listed below are ten of the least talked about jobs in the
Read MoreFailure is a term we hate to hear in our vocabulary, let alone actually use it to describe one of our attempts at something great. Society does not commend defeat, nor do we as individuals actually want to celebrate a moment of downfall. But maybe in order to truly appreciate the extraordinary events in our life, we have to understand our lowest lows to recognize our highest highs. Success is something that we work towards and it’s measured in different magnitudes based on the individual’s values. Before we reach the
Read MoreEver since blowing eighteen candles out on a perfectly frosted cake, we’ve all been in the limbo that is emerging adulthood. We may proudly parade around calling ourselves “adults,” when really, we are still discovering what adulthood truly entails. As we soon observe, being an adult means at heart, not in physicality. Sure, we may legally be over the age of eighteen and eligible to vote, but it takes a while for the mentality and maturity of to solidify firmly. These milestones of adulthood don’t all happen overnight. Ultimately, being
Read MoreIn terms of success, it seems like the world is divided into 4 general subdivisions of people: Success has a subjective definition, and is different in the eyes of everyone. Most commonly, it means obtaining our goals and achieving personal happiness. For a few, it may be affluence; for some, their names etched in the history books; and for others, simply a nice home, small family, and stable job. The people who “don’t work hard” yet still succeed For some individuals, it seems as if serendipity and luck always seem to be
Read MoreAs I stumble my way further through college and dabble in the so-called “real” world, I’m coming to the sad realization that so many careers are fueled by the misfortune of others. A good friend of mine was recently accepted into pharmacy grad school, much to his elation because as he put it, “I’m pretty much guaranteed a job for life now, unless people suddenly stop needing medication or something.” As altruistic as his intentions probably are, the core of his future profession is dependent on waiting for people to
Read MoreWorld renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow once ordered all our needs into a rigid pyramid of importance. As Maslow argued, at the base of all our needs is what keeps us physically alive as human beings. As the pyramid narrows toward the top, meeting physiological needs transitions toward meeting more internal, emotional needs. He deemed this to be what founds a “stable” individual. However, is it true in every moment that we put our physical “needs” before what we mentally desire? Can Maslow’s rigidity ever flex? I don’t want to believe
Read MoreWe walked against the nighttime wind with our heads held high and our heels a little higher. We were slowly making our way into the comfort of a house where we’d be provided with intoxicating substances and communal sweat. Homework was done, classes over for the week, petty stresses behind us, and a night out before us. Suddenly, a group of boisterous, clearly wasted guys showed up next to us. One of them caught my eye and asked, “How are you doing tonight?” “I’m doing well, thanks,” I mumbled, not
Read MoreEvery year, Forbes magazine creates a list of the 30 most influential people under the age of 30. They include a variety of categories, from science and business, to entertainment, sports, and art. On the list are common household names such as Lena Dunham (27, ugh), David Karp (27), and Maria Sharapova (26). There are also names we may not recognise, but people who’ve created, or who control, globally influential, multi-million dollar entities we inevitably do. See the full list here. It seems as if all these people are on
Read MoreMy first semester of college, I worked at a chain coffee and bagel café. I have always affirmed that every person needs to work in food service at least once in their lifetime. It is difficult to express how exceptionally vital it is that people understand the toil behind where their services come from, and the crucial nature of treating workers with respect. I have also always held the belief that every person needs to work at least one “crappy job” in their life to fully understand the value of
Read MoreNo one really told us what adulthood would be like when it came time to face the music. If they did, maybe I envisioned it differently, or I just wasn’t paying attention because I was too busy dreaming about my Carrie Bradshaw closet. My friends will be the first to tell you that I believe aging is a gift and I love getting older, but at the same time, being an adult can be really annoying and lame too. But, in order to get where you want to be in
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