Posted On April 21, 2014By Jason William SpencerIn Movies
I divide the world into two very distinct groups: The ones who have seen “The Big Lebowski” and the ones who have not. If you are in the latter group, please immediately stop reading this story and go die in a fire, you are dead to me. This story is for those special people that view the world through the musings of the greatest human being to ever walk the Earth, “The Dude.” The big question for these intellectual heavyweights has always been should they do a sequel? In recent
Read MorePosted On April 11, 2014By Matthew WalshIn Movies
I’m back again with another movie I think you should go see. Last time I recommended The Raid 2: Berandal, a true cinematic wonder of action and violence. If you didn’t see it, well, I just don’t know where to go from here. Relationships are two-way streets, gardens in need of tending…all of that jazz. Alas, I forgive you and don’t worry, we’re going to get through this together no matter what. I promise. This week’s decision is the 1987 Stallone spectacular and cult classic Over the Top. Yes, this
Read MorePosted On March 30, 2014By Samantha PerryIn Movies
Happy Rex Manning Day! If you know what that phrase means, wonderful! You deserve a cookie and as soon as I find you, I will give you one! If you’re confused, don’t worry: most of America would be. I’m quoting one of my favorite movies of all time. Empire Records is a cult classic, and if you have a chance I highly recommend you see it, immediately. It has some of the best quotes and music the 90s had to offer. It was released in 1995. It actually has quite
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