There’s no use discussing tastes when it comes to partners. However, there are things we can all agree that are very attractive in potential love interests. While there are many red flags in dating to keep an eye out, these following qualities are definite green flags. If you’re open to dating and want to catch a true “trophy”, here are a few things that make people into a total catch: Compassion and patience It’s very comforting and attractive to have a person full of compassion and patience for your antiques
Read MoreI’ve been in my share of long-term relationships, short-term relationships, and FWB situations. Now, if you’re anything like me (and hopefully you are in this respect), you’re only trying to marry one lady ever. Accordingly, all of the other relationships with women in your life will end in a breakup. And while breaking up can suck, it’s definitely necessary, if the girl you’re with isn’t wifey material. So, here are ten signs that you need to ditch the bitch and find a better girl for you. After all, you have
Read MoreIt’s not a holiday! Stupid Hallmark! It’s made up, damn it! ….Says every one of my single friends. But for those of us with a female at our side, we know that Valentine’s Day is VERY REAL, and it can quite literally make or break a young relationship. Studies show that majority of breakups occur in mid-February. Coincidence? Umm, sure. I’ll keep telling my single friends that to make them feel better. So, how did I “do it right?” It started earlier in the week, with… a stomach flu. Unfortunate,
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