If you’ve got a peen, you’ve probably sent one. If you’re a human being, you’ve probably received one. From the data I gathered, most dick pics are unsolicited. I can only assume the outcome senders are hoping for, but I’ve got a gut feeling the desired effect does not often become reality. What the sender expects: It has been made pretty clear that the hopes of a dick pic sender are to turn on the recipient and hopefully receive a photo in exchange. Three out of ten people who shared their experiences have
Read MoreLast week an amazing YouTube video graced the world with its presence. Basically, homegirl just got her wisdom teeth out (ouch) and is still loopy from the anesthesia (ughh jealous). This video was a compilation of vines she posted, that have sense been deleted… but the short clips have become a short film, that will be featured in the Sundance film festival because it is that good. Kidding- but honestly this shit is amazing. She has just expressed every white-girl fantasy in 30 seconds… I mean we were all thinking
Read MoreEmbarrassment, by textbook definition, is a feeling of self-consciousness, shame or awkwardness. It is a feeling we all have experienced more than once in our lives. We are ashamed of an action, a fault, a flaw, etc. We all get pimples. We all trip and fall. Most of the time, we as humans are embarrassed by the same things. But, that should be a reason why we should never be embarrassed. Let’s take this scenario: it’s picture day in 8th grade and you wake up with a huge pimple on
Read MoreFeeling forlorn about the weekend ending? Did your dog just get hit by a car? Is March Madness making you, well, mad? Do you just want to curl up and die in your Happy Meal that you bought just to cheer yourself up? There is no faster way to regain composure and cheer than learning about another person’s embarrassing moments. In the hopes of turning your frown upside down I would like to leave you with my four most embarrassing moments that I wish I was making up. 1.
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