In the age of virtual reality, it’s never been easier to avoid actual reality. It’s acceptable now to send digital messages over speaking face-to-face, to surf your phone while out on a date, and to wear earphones in both ears while driving (this one bothers me the most for some reason). But there’s a centuries old practice which still remains the most effective way to produce and cultivate relationships. Going out for beers. It’s simple, yet often overlooked. Having beers is a social convention that dissolves all differences and brings
Read MoreWell, Beyonce continues to live up to her nickname. Queen Bee speaks and everybody listens. Lately, my newsfeed has been buzzing with posts about “Ban Bossy,” a campaign started by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and backed by Bee herself. According to the campaign’s website, “When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a ‘leader.’ Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded ‘bossy.’” This type of language, according to Sheryl Sandberg, discourages girls from seeking leadership roles, and “Ban Bossy” aims to address this issue by
Read MoreThink you know what will make you happy? Science says you’re probably wrong. The good news is you only have to be correct enough. As Americans, we swarm for the latest mobile devices, new cars make us feel like new people, and the clothing sales ensure that we look like our friends. Humans are pretty bad at determining what will give them lasting happiness or contentment, and because of this, there’s big business in cars, electronics, and jewelry. There’s also big business in debt reduction, payday loans, gym memberships,
Read MoreNo more beanbag chairs and using paper towels to dry off after a shower (if you haven’t tried that ever, you should), it is 2014 and you need to get your shit together. This is a list of things that you should own as an adult male, that is, unless your New Year’s Resolution was to “Live Life Like a Character from Workaholics.” Buying secondhand is fine, I don’t really care how you get it done. But I am sick of going to a friend’s house and being offered a
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