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Posted On June 11, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Advice For Women, Dating For Women, Girlzone, Rants

The Dating Diaries: Don’ts

First dates cause my nerves to spin into a panic.   They saunter between fear and regret the moment I have left my home and begin wishing I were back in my sweat pants, back in my bed, watching some show about sex and a city that was created when I was graduating from 6th grade.  My future husband could be the pizza guy, right?  I had left work earlier than usual to allow myself time to shower and eat something, lest I enter the date hangry and ready to stab himRead More

Posted On March 19, 2014By Allyson DarlingIn Girlzone, Lifestyle

I Want It Now

Instant gratification is exhausting.  We are a generation that can get what we desire immediately, we want what we want when we want it, and we can have it.  In a time like this, the word “patience” can be as foreign to us as the idea of mailing hand-written letters for communication purposes; both unnecessary and rather annoying. This instant gratification mentality can leave us in an uneasy state of quantity versus quality, and distracts us from a more meaningful existence full of things out of our control – aRead More