Let me start this off by saying not all “nice guys” are the same. (Though, it’s kind of hard to say that due to the vomit induced by this article). Some are genuinely kind people with full, rich personalities who take responsibility for where they finish in life. Others are two-dimensional assholes who believe their niceness gives them a certain right to women. There are two major conflicts I have with the offending article. The first is the concept that nice guys deserve anything–as if just being polite entitles you
Read MorePosted On April 23, 2014By Anthony KozlowskiIn Movies
The trailer for The Final Member begins benignly enough. The scene is set at the world’s only Phallological Museum, where curator Sigurður “Siggi” Hjartarson fauns over his extensive collection of – well, I probably don’t have to spell it out for you. The Reykjavik Museum is home to the peckers of all Icelandic mammals with the exception of one – our own. “Why is it so difficult do you think to get a human penis for your museum?” asks an interviewer. I think the answer should be fairly obvious. We
Read MoreIf the rise of superhero movies has taught us anything lately, it’s that audiences still crave stories about lone heroes taking on a world of injustice (seriously, to the tune of $95 million for the second weekend of Captain America: The Winter Soldier). Spider Man, Batman, The Man of Steel, heck, even movies like Divergent, 300, and The Hunger Games all prove it; people are obsessed with stories about someone with powerful, unique inner potential. Has anyone ever watched Bond, James Bond, kicking ass and taking names while looking slick
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