Olympic Games Tag

Posted On February 19, 2014By Cat HauslerIn Sports, Sports Takes

Why the USA Women’s Hockey Team is Awesome

When I was eight, my parents moved us from the San Francisco Bay Area to a small Colorado mountain town. Don’t ask me why, it’s a long story… Anyway, apparently, one day after we’d been in Colorado for a few months, I came home from school and announced, “Carlee’s dad is starting a girl’s hockey team and I’m going to play!” My parents were surprised to say the least. Not only had I never played hockey before, but I could barely skate. Still, I did join the Lady Blades hockeyRead More

Posted On February 10, 2014By Ascher RobbinsIn Sports, Sports Takes

The 5 Most Badass Sports in the Winter Olympics

Now that the 2014 Olympics are in full-swing, you might have some decisions to make. Between the live-streams on NBC Sports Live Extra, the coverage on NBC, and still more coverage on the NBC Sports Channel, it can be a little overwhelming when deciding what events you want to watch. But, I’ll make it easy for you. If you’re like me – which, let’s be honest, you should be – you only want to watch the sports that make you go “HOLY BALLS! That was SO badass!” Ain’t nobody gotRead More

Posted On February 9, 2014By Sophie TahranIn Buzzworthy, The Scene


Hosting the Olympics is like the real world equivalent of running for Senior Class President in high school. You’re put under the magnifying glass and just asking to be critiqued and ridiculed. Everything you do is being translated to people of very different backgrounds. And every once in a while, there’s a slim chance that you might just be epically successful. Key words: slim chance. The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi are not off to a great start in their bid for epic success. Even before the games began thisRead More

Posted On December 31, 2013By Sophie TahranIn Advice For Women, Girlzone

How to Make a New Year’s Resolution Stick

The question on everyone’s lips this time of year has changed from “Are you going to the local bar to see everyone we didn’t talk to in high school?” to “What’s your New Year’s Resolution?” You’ve been through a few decades of this. Let’s make this the year that sticks.   Be realistic. First things first. The chances of you being successful in becoming an Olympic athlete, movie star, president, and Britney Spears in a year are slim. Choose a resolution that fits who and where you are right now.Read More