Posted On December 5, 2014By Hunter SimmonsIn Movies
Kudos to AMC for adding those leather (pleather?) recliners I have come to love in my movie theater-going experience. The ticket markup, though excessive to the uninformed visitor, is negligible. Just make sure you eat a cheap meal before you visit, and you’re all set. However, I feel like I truly threw my money away with the latest Hunger Games installment. Was it a terrible movie? Nah, but yikes there was a ton of unnecessary footage in there. After some extensive* research on the book series, I learned that the actual
Read MorePhilip Seymour Hoffman overdosed on something that he loved, or at least couldn’t live without. This is a list of things that I think I love enough (or at least, if introduced to, couldn’t go without) to overdose on. Root Beer You don’t need an ID to purchase it and it goes great with every meal… Root Beer truly is the swing-man of the beverage world. What kid hasn’t pretended to get drunk off of IBC? Now imagine drowning yourself in a pool of it. Commence the salivating.
Read MoreWith the late and great Philip Seymour Hoffman passing away, all of a sudden EVERYONE is a fan of his work. My Facebook feed is flooded with people posting up long sonnets about how he truly was one of the greatest actors of his generation. The whole situation is very reminiscent of when that drug addict Amy Winehouse – who was simply living on borrowed time – passed away. Or Whitney Houston, who I thought was dead a few years before her “untimely” passing away in 2012. It saddens me that we
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