1. The Dysfunctional Teenager This person is the person who gets stoned before every big school event just to see how different it is compared to the times they went sober. Their mother is done raising them, and says things like, “I’m done! There’s nothing left for me to teach you!” They’re probably into really artsy, expressive things, and are insanely talented. They dabble in any and all forms of art, and somehow still make it thoughtful and art show worthy. They know all the good music, the good concerts, the
Read MoreAs a 24-year-old, standing in front of my classroom full of high school sophomores is not something I find too difficult. I haven’t been far removed enough from high school to be completely out of touch. I still keep up with the latest pop music, Internet sensations, and relevant slang. It helps that my younger siblings who are still in high school help me stay “with it.” Of course, it is only natural to compare this new generation of teens with my own, but I think it leads to some
Read MoreIt’s easy to lament the trends and fads of today’s teenagers. Hell, even as a 23 year-old, I find myself starting many complaints with, “Back when I was your age…” Every generation loves to think that they are God’s gift to mankind, but they come with their own set of what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you-type problems. Let’s take a look at how Generation Y, as they call it, stacks up. The Good: Ingenuity and Determination Teens today are doing some remarkable things at unprecedented rates. Just look at Malala Yousafzai’s crusade for women’s
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