Man aka Superman Bends Car Door of Burning Car Clark Kent, I mean, Bob Renning, came across a burning car on the highway and pulled over to stop. The driver was stuck inside but Bob thought no problem, I’ll just tear it open with my bare hands. Bob realized the door was locked and the windows were not working so he simply gripped the door frame and braced his foot and pulled. Someone give that man a spandex suit and a cape! Woman Sets Home on Fire Trying to
Read MoreIt’s hard out there for a chick. It’s never been a cakewalk for us females and despite girl power being at an all time high, the 21st century has introduced a slew of new problems. We are now faced with difficulties such as… 8 – Attempting to do some DIY seen on Pinterest and ending up with a mason jar full of glitter, a terrible burn from a hot glue gun, and the worst tangle in the history of hair. Pinterest is the birthplace of disappointment, frustration, and injury. 7
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