After 10 long years of silence, Monica Lewinsky is BACK and discussing in Vanity Fair magazine how she deeply regrets her fling with President Clinton. She claims she was taken advantage of and preyed on. However, she does still stand by her original words that it was a consensual relationship. Lewinsky says she will be focusing her life on helping victims of harassment and humiliation. Oh Monica. That’s great you want to help out others but I love that you’re playing the victim after all these years. You knew exactly
Read MoreWell, this was the natural progression of things, right? After distraught app designer Dong Nguyen pulled his massively popular creation, Flappy Bird, off the market last week, hordes of imitators have flooded the App Market: Iron Pants, Happy Bird, Splashy Fish, and a bunch of other inanity based on the business model that was reportedly making Mr. Nguyen $50,000 PER DAY. So the next step was obvious, right? You can now make a DIY flappy bird clone! Go to this website, upload two photos, give it a name, and BOOM:
Read MorePosted On February 7, 2014By Brian WrayIn Television
If you frequently watch comedies on your Netflix (or your friend of a friend’s Netflix account…be honest) then you’ve probably stumbled upon it or at least had it listed in your suggestions. In my opinion, it’s one of the most underrated shows of the past decade. A first-person, point of view, buddy comedy program starring British comedy greats Robert Webb and David Mitchell. The name is Peep Show. DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for the ensuing all-day marathon that causes you to get fired from your job. Thus, I will
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