Well, this was the natural progression of things, right? After distraught app designer Dong Nguyen pulled his massively popular creation, Flappy Bird, off the market last week, hordes of imitators have flooded the App Market: Iron Pants, Happy Bird, Splashy Fish, and a bunch of other inanity based on the business model that was reportedly making Mr. Nguyen $50,000 PER DAY.
So the next step was obvious, right? You can now make a DIY flappy bird clone! Go to this website, upload two photos, give it a name, and BOOM: Your own stupid, personalized way to navigate through obstacles! Thank you, Apolinário for being the hero we all needed.
Tags : Apps, Barack Obama, Bird, buzzworthy, culture, Do it yourself, Dong Nguyen, Flappy Bird, President, Society, Splashy Fish, The Scene, trends, White House
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