After months of hype, rumors, mudslinging, and conjecture… we are only at the starting line. But at least we finally know who our two major party candidates will be. So what’s next? A lot more chatter and hype. But eventually we WILL arrive at our first presidential debate. So in preparation for that epic September night, here is the official Trump/Clinton drinking game to get you through proceedings. Take ONE shot EVERY TIME the following occurs: – Hillary coughs or shows signs of illness – Trump mentions his wealth –
Read MoreOn part 2 of my “Big City Poetry” series, I examine the intellectual heart valve that is Washington D.C. I pretentious it up with a bit of lame-ambic pentameter (see what I did there?) based on my experience visiting the Capitol city. Big City Poetry: D.C.’s the Brain The August recess makes this public sector hotspot feel oddly ghostlike. This isn’t the real D.C., it’s not alive enough. For an authentic experience you must wait until the leaves change. It’s then you’ll know… When bureaucrats strut through awakened streets with
Read MoreThe 2016 presidential elections will be fierce. With no eligible incumbent, the nation is braced for the political season that has already begun – its starting gun signified by the media peeping at prospective nominees viable to survive what promises to be an attritional war of primaries and the always fierce and final push toward the general election. Like any show dog or pageant contestant trying to win over the hearts of an American electorate, the political parties are grooming and prodding their candidates to form an ideal appeal. Damning
Read MoreAfter 10 long years of silence, Monica Lewinsky is BACK and discussing in Vanity Fair magazine how she deeply regrets her fling with President Clinton. She claims she was taken advantage of and preyed on. However, she does still stand by her original words that it was a consensual relationship. Lewinsky says she will be focusing her life on helping victims of harassment and humiliation. Oh Monica. That’s great you want to help out others but I love that you’re playing the victim after all these years. You knew exactly
Read MoreWell, this was the natural progression of things, right? After distraught app designer Dong Nguyen pulled his massively popular creation, Flappy Bird, off the market last week, hordes of imitators have flooded the App Market: Iron Pants, Happy Bird, Splashy Fish, and a bunch of other inanity based on the business model that was reportedly making Mr. Nguyen $50,000 PER DAY. So the next step was obvious, right? You can now make a DIY flappy bird clone! Go to this website, upload two photos, give it a name, and BOOM:
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