Humans, as a species, are so unbelievably different from one another. Each of us is unique, so much so that we can never predict how any one person will react in a given situation. Now, some might say that this doesn’t mean anything but I’m starting to think it might. Life and Death Every living thing on Earth makes decisions based upon instinct. Humans have evolved to the point that our “instinct” is no longer our sole reasoning to the choices we make. We are consciously aware that, one
Read MoreCollege life has always carried a certain image. Sure, there’s the prestige, honor and the promise of higher learning, but deep down we all think of one thing whenever our alma mater is brought up. Blame National Lampoon, Revenge of the Nerds or any movie ever made about college, but overall, the media presents the best four years of our lives as the most wasted years of our lives. Depending on who you are, where you are, or what frat you’re in, that may or may not be the truth
Read MoreThe Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing has now been missing for over a week. Flight MH 370, with 239 passengers and crew on board, vanished the morning of Saturday, March 8. What was initially assumed to be a tragic crash or accident has now developed into a real-life version of the TV show Lost. There are now increasingly credible signs that someone on the jet deliberately diverted the plane only about one hour after departure. The passengers were mostly Chinese and Malaysian, including
Read MoreWhen I began to talk to, well, anyone who would talk to me about their American Girl Dolls, there was one common theme among women—not the wealth of American history obtained from their 18-inch-tall childhood friends, but the response, “No I didn’t have (insert blonde doll’s name), she was a b*tch, I had (insert different doll’s name), the cool one.” Which brings me to my question, why the hell did my mom buy me an American Girl Doll? The original American Girls—Samantha, Kirsten, and Molly—arrived on the market in 1986
Read MoreIt seems the internet isn’t serving its function unless there’s something that everyone is foaming at the mouth about. Case and point: the recent upheaval surrounding a certain Duke underclassman that has sparked the largest feminist discussion this side of a Women’s Studies class. If for some reason you don’t know what I’m talking about, perhaps this will refresh your memory: This little story sent the blogs, forums, online publications and YouTube channels into a tailspin over the past week. It seems everyone from Huffington Post to The Daily Beast
Read MoreAs you may have heard, yesterday Bill Nye the Science Guy (a man of many talents) participated in a debate about evolution yesterday against Ken Ham, a well-known Young Earth creationist (more on what that is in a minute). Now, this article isn’t going to rehash the points discussed or decide on a victor. You can watch for yourself, and of course I’m going to say that I think you should. Instead, I’m going to talk about why having these debates is so important. Some of you are probably wondering why
Read MoreMagic isn’t real anymore. Gone are the days of widespread witch hunts and divine prophecy (in the US, anyway). We no longer live in a demon-haunted world—now we have the technology to access an infinite amount of information anytime, anywhere. Google made a computer small enough to fit in a contact lens and your predictive text knows you better than you do. We’ve come a long way since bleeding people to cure them of diseases that had more to do with “sinning” than with medical phenomena. Next time you bust
Read MoreI hope everyone is having a fantastic Martin Luther King day, and that you are all lucky enough to have the day off of work and school. As we celebrate the joy of a three day weekend, though, it is important that we remember to honor the man for whom this day exists. Here are ten of my favorite Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotations. I’ve left a few of the more obvious ones out, in hopes that some of these may be new to you. Enjoy, and remember one of
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