Posted On August 30, 2014 By In Lifestyle, Miscellaneous

7 Shades of Shade


Shade is an attitude, a form of expression, a lifestyle. Below are some common faces of Shade that happen on the regular, and are always #judgingyou.


1. The “…hmmm” confused shade

Examples of when and where this shade could be used:

– When someone is trying to push their beliefs on you.

– When the teacher is explaining the upcoming assignment.



2. The “… uhh whatever..” Shade

Examples of when and where this shade could be used:

– When someone beat you in a debate (i.e. Amber vs. Cher in Clueless) but you could really care less.

– When the barista made your nonfat latte with 2% milk.



3. The “I’m prettier than you so, I’m not even going to comment on your stupid remark” shade

Most commonly used when:

– You run into your ex




4. The “wait.. does anyone see this too so we can talk shit about it later” shade

Examples of when and where this shade could be used:

– When someone is presenting and his fly is down.

– When you are out with friends and see someone asleep at the bar.




5. The “why are they here” shade

Examples of when and where this shade could be used:

– When you are at a party and the girl your crush hooked up with shows up. (Don’t worry you look way better than her anyways)

– When you see someone way too skinny at an exercise class.




6. The “ I’m going to pretend like I’m listening” shade

Examples of when and where this shade could be used:

– When you are at a work event and entertaining clients.

– When you’re at dinner with your parents and they are talking about golf.




7. The “OMG I can’t believe I have to deal with this” shade

Examples of when and where this shade could be used:

– When you get annoying work emails (probably from a co-worker you aren’t that fond of anyways…)

– When your mom makes a passive aggressive comment about your outfit.

– When your boyfriend makes a lame joke in front of your friends.




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The Bored Millennial is your pop culture guru, best friend and rude grandmother figure that has been missing from your daily life. She focuses on talking about the things that really matter... like entertainment. Besides the obvious - being a bored millennial - she lives in Los Angeles and is in search of finding the perfect corgi.