I write. I give speeches. I have no fear in speaking in public, and that it because of one speech that I had to deliver at the worst time of my life. Let me explain: When I graduated from high school in 2009, my mother asked me to join a Toastmasters club with her. Toastmasters is a club for people who want to learn and improve on leadership and public speaking skills. I was 18, barely eligible to join, and learned quite a bit while there. Also that year, my
Read MoreCoolest Dad Ever Makes Hovercraft for Son Alright, this guy officially won Dad of the Year for making his son a homemade hovercraft. Uh, yeah! This kid has to be the happiest kid alive. It’s like something out of the Jetsons. I’m super jealous and hope he makes more to sell in stores. You know you’d buy one. Who cares if you need someone else to steer the thing, I’d ride on it all day. Man Gets DUI on Lawn Mower Florida does it again! A man was
Read MoreLife is full of moments. Some stand out further than the rest. Others stay hidden, to be discovered later on down the trail. Today I had one of those rare special moments. I had just got done being extra productive organizing and cleaning, which if you know me, that’s quite a triumph! I was feeling accomplished. I was feeling good. Why not reward myself by watching all those movies I recorded on my DVR, but never got around to watching? Fuck it. Why not? I was super productive today, I
Read MoreIn honor of father’s day this past weekend, I spent some time reflecting on the invaluable lessons you have taught me in a quarter century. You have owned some version of a beard or a mustache for nearly my whole life, which admittedly and Freudian-ly may be why I am only attracted to men with some sort of facial fur. You posses the innate ability to tell a joke with such sincerity that you gain instant belief from your victims. You have never been known to turn down a drink with the ones
Read MoreTo say my life has been less than perfect would be an understatement. I went to college just like most kids. Right out of high school. I went to the local university, but didn’t do a lot of studying. I really didn’t care at that point. I was more concerned with drinking, girls, and having a good time. My family would ask how I was doing. How I was enjoying school. How I liked my teachers. I conjured up a web of little white lies and deceits. I thought they
Read MoreTeaching you to be fearless Allowing fear to impact your decisions will always hold you back. If you grew up in a family that encouraged you to conquer your fears—flying, navigating cities, traveling alone, riding rollercoasters—thank them endlessly. You will never have to be one of those unfortunate people who kicks him or herself 10 years down the road for passing up an opportunity that could have lead them to amazing things. Letting you wear that There are many reasons to be thankful for parents that allowed you establish
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