1. A Friendchip Party Celebrate the power of friendship with a chip potluck! Potato chips could stand alone as my lifelong romantic interest, I love them so deeply. I beg you to supply me with a human who doesn’t crave her crunch so that I can fix her. Just imagine the rich diversity of a chip potluck. The assortment of dips. Chips of different color, categories, and socioeconomic backgrounds, all gathered together in harmony. Doritos next to sweet potato chips, kale chips next to sour cream and onion Lays. The
Read MoreI’m cold, you guys. OK. Yes. It’s warmer than it was last week but I’m still going to complain because it’s January and there is a lot of winter left on the horizon. If you’re in California and warm — but hopefully not on-fire warm — then you’re not invited to my circle of self-pity and I’m not talking to you. For the rest of us, here is a tasty, wintertime way to drink alcohol, so we don’t lose all will to live when it’s April and still snowing in
Read MoreAlright dudes, listen up. If you’re older than a college freshman and not in a fraternity, then it’s time you man the hell up and stop drinking Keystone Light, Natty Ice, and PBR. Actually, let’s go a step past that: start having some damn class – no more Bud Light, Coors Light, or Corona either. Get into microbrews, get into imports, and start acting like a cultured MAN instead of some frat dudebro who thinks drinking Corona is getting classy. It isn’t and it never will be. BUT, just because
Read MoreHere are a few tips on how to keep your lady status intact when going out in public, under the influence… -Stop Getting White Girl Wasted: We all know this girl. She’s taking shot after shot, screaming and dancing around when her jam comes on, and trying to tell her more reasonable friends “I’M LIKE TOTALLYYY NOT THAT DRUNK BEEETCH!” We all have our drunken moments, I get that, but this will only be acceptable a handful of times before you are labeled a drunk mess. Pacing yourself is always
Read MoreRegardless of whether you’re hitting up one or ten music festivals this year, there’s still some amount of preparation required for each one. You and your group are put up against massive crowds, unfamiliar territory, extreme climates, and questionable states of mind. You might end up as group leader, you might be tagging along for a good time. Either way, make sure your asses are covered. Base Camp These things take planning. Buy your festival tickets and figure out where you’ll be sleeping as early on as possible. It
Read MoreI would like prelude this piece with a little disclaimer: this author was enjoying a delicious beverage (or 3…) in the form of water, malts, grains, hops, and yeast as this article was written so I strongly encourage you, the reader, to do the same as you read… Beer is a glorious entity. From the time of construction of the Great Pyramids of Egypt to the infamous days of American Prohibition, beer has been a marquee aspect in the world’s history. The indulgence of beer has been documented as a
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