Posted On January 17, 2014 By In Food and Drink For Women, Girlzone

Stay Warm, Feel Classy: A Drink Recipe


I’m cold, you guys.

OK. Yes. It’s warmer than it was last week but I’m still going to complain because it’s January and there is a lot of winter left on the horizon.  If you’re in California and warm — but hopefully not on-fire warm — then you’re not invited to my circle of self-pity and I’m not talking to you. For the rest of us, here is a tasty, wintertime way to drink alcohol, so we don’t lose all will to live when it’s April and still snowing in Colorado. This is actually quite good for when you’re sick too.

All measurements are approximate, so feel free to toy with it and make it to your liking…



What you’ll need:

-½ c. brown sugar

-Juice from 2 lemons

-1 sliced lemon

-¾ c. cream sherry (Don’t know what this is? Ask a liquor store employee… or a grandma. If you know an old lady with a stash of hard candy, you can bet your ass she chugs this stuff on the sly).

-1 1/3 c. gin

-2 ½ c. of your favorite tea (I use Cinnamon Apple Spice from Celestial Seasonings)

-Lemon zest (optional because zesting totally sucks)

-Cinnamon sticks for garnish (also optional)


-Combine brown sugar and lemon juice in a pot and simmer for 2 minutes. In another pot, brew your favorite tea. Add alcohol to brown sugar and lemon juice mixture, stirring until mixture is a uniform color and consistency. Combine alcohol and tea in whichever pot is bigger. Add the sliced lemon and simmer for a minute or two, until you notice the taste of the lemon. Serve with cinnamon sticks if you like.

This will not get you gloriously drunk, just warm and happy. If you would like to get GLORIOUSLY drunk I have a **special bonus recipe** for you:


     1- ∞ . Drink it.

Stay thirsty and warm, my friends.

Stay thirsty and warm, my friends.

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