It’s Raining Fish in Sri Lanka! Yes that’s correct. And I’m not talking about cats and dogs here, I really mean fish. On Monday, during a rainstorm in Sri Lanka, villagers were surprised to have over 50kg of fish come down as well. It is believed the fish were pulled from a nearby river. This is not the first time the country has seen fish rain. Early in 2012 a nearby village witnessed prawns fall from the sky. So I guess this is kinda cool. Talk about your endless sushi
Read MoreUtah Family Shows Up Cher from Clueless Okay so this story is mostly depressing, but after reading into the facts more I’m thinking there’s something very strange going on here. A woman in Utah has been accused of killing six of her own babies and storing the bodies in boxes in her garage. Megan Huntsman admitted to strangling and suffocating the children immediately after their births. So all of that is completely disgusting and wrong but here’s the really weird WTF part that got me. Huntsman’s husband had no idea
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