I’d been working for two weeks straight and it was my day off so I was a little apprehensive when my housemate suggested we go see a movie called Gone Girl. I was totally unaware of this movie, hadn’t seen any trailers. Somehow it was totally off my radar. “Gone Girl?” I thought, “Why are we going to see a chick flick?” Looking ahead at a day of playing Borderlands and not wearing pants, I thought that I may as well schedule some time to stretch my legs and
Read More…If you’re a girl. 1. Provided your roommates are home, you no longer have to kill your own cockroaches. And by “kill,” I mean “trap under a cup that you weigh down with a book and wait until the roach eventually dies.” Now you get instant bug murder, and who doesn’t love that? 2. Cooking utensils of all shapes, sizes, and–more importantly–materials, go in the dishwasher willy-nilly. Am I the only person whose mom told them a million times, you can’t put Teflon in the dishwasher or else it strips
Read MoreLet me start this off by saying not all “nice guys” are the same. (Though, it’s kind of hard to say that due to the vomit induced by this article). Some are genuinely kind people with full, rich personalities who take responsibility for where they finish in life. Others are two-dimensional assholes who believe their niceness gives them a certain right to women. There are two major conflicts I have with the offending article. The first is the concept that nice guys deserve anything–as if just being polite entitles you
Read MoreBefore I start here, let me be clear: I’m an ardent supporter of gay rights. I believe that being gay is no more of a choice than being white, black, brown, or blue. I believe that gay people are absolute equals in society, and should be treated accordingly. I’ve voted in support of gay marriage every chance I’ve had. And perhaps most on-point, I believe that a gay football player is just as qualified to be in the NFL as a heterosexual player. And that brings us to Michael Sam.
Read MoreWell, Beyonce continues to live up to her nickname. Queen Bee speaks and everybody listens. Lately, my newsfeed has been buzzing with posts about “Ban Bossy,” a campaign started by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and backed by Bee herself. According to the campaign’s website, “When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a ‘leader.’ Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded ‘bossy.’” This type of language, according to Sheryl Sandberg, discourages girls from seeking leadership roles, and “Ban Bossy” aims to address this issue by
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