Corgis!! Corgis have been dog royalty for centuries (cough cough Queen Elizabeth has at least 3). But recently it seems like they are mainly known as the dog darlings of the internet. But they are amazing for many reasons… They Are Resilient They Are Always Ready To Play They Know How To Chill
Read MoreOh you want this box lid… whatever. This box isn’t cool any more… I’m out. I’m not a bed hog… I just like my space Binge watching Netflix is perfectly normal Umm… No. Deal with it. Talk to the hand. That one that cat that just won’t stop talking… I said back off… You can’t sit with us!
Read MoreWhen you are waiting for Dominos to be delivered Wait… did you say you ordered pizza?! When you realize — Holy shit! Is that a spider?! When you are at your desk all day and someone asks if you want to grab Starbucks When you have to use the restroom and there is a
Read MoreIn honor of New York’s first shot at the Stanley Cup since ’94 and my good old Brooklyn roots, I’ve spent the majority of my weeknights this playoff season plopped in front of three or four unnecessarily large televisions at the bar across the street from my apartment (I don’t get NBC). My Ranger-fan friends believe strongly in ju-ju (urban dictionary: Gypsy word for luck). In other words, they believe in watching the game where you watched the last win (and will make you stay in the kitchen if they
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