1. The Dysfunctional Teenager This person is the person who gets stoned before every big school event just to see how different it is compared to the times they went sober. Their mother is done raising them, and says things like, “I’m done! There’s nothing left for me to teach you!” They’re probably into really artsy, expressive things, and are insanely talented. They dabble in any and all forms of art, and somehow still make it thoughtful and art show worthy. They know all the good music, the good concerts, the
Read MoreDear Awkward Teenager, I’m staring my late-twenties in the face, but I still couldn’t tell you the details of their anatomy. It’s funny how I still manage to daydream the way you do during 4th period only to be awoken by the lunch bell. So much changes, but so much stays the same. Trust me on this, sometimes it’s best to just embrace the unknown as opposed to finding out the answers immediately. Honestly, some questions or prayers will go unanswered for what seems like an eternity, but that’s only
Read MoreUtah Family Shows Up Cher from Clueless Okay so this story is mostly depressing, but after reading into the facts more I’m thinking there’s something very strange going on here. A woman in Utah has been accused of killing six of her own babies and storing the bodies in boxes in her garage. Megan Huntsman admitted to strangling and suffocating the children immediately after their births. So all of that is completely disgusting and wrong but here’s the really weird WTF part that got me. Huntsman’s husband had no idea
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