-Lindsay Czarniak- Instagram: lindsaycz Twitter: @lindsayczarniak Known for: Anchoring SportsCenter on ESPN. – If you watch ESPN, chances are you’ve seen the gorgeous blonde that frequently hosts SportsCenter. This beautiful lady is Lindsay Czarniak, and you’ll be even more impressed by her looks when you find out that this babe is 37 years old and still absolutely smokin’. In addition to calling out daily sports highlights, Lindsay has served as a reporter for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, and was the first woman to call the Indianapolis 500. Lindsay seemingly has both looks and
Read More-Selena Gomez- Instagram: selenagomez Twitter: @selenagomez Known for: Let’s be honest – you already know her. – Okay, so this week we’re going with an obvious name, but it’s still high time we show our appreciation for the gorgeous goddess named Selena. Plus, now that she’s not dating the Biebs, we can all respect her a little more. The older Selena gets, the more beautiful she gets, and the more we love her. Maybe some of that has to do with her incredibly sexy new album cover (first picture below),
Read More-Skyler Samuels- Instagram: skylersamuels Twitter: @SkylerSamuels Known for: Being an up-and-coming actress; starring in new Fox horror/comedy show Scream Queens. – Fox’s newest show to make a splash, Scream Queens, stars many well-known actresses such as Jamie Lee Curtis, Lea Michele, and Emma Roberts; however, the actress many people are currently discussing is the lesser-known Skyler Samuels. Skyler has a solid background already, starring in Disney Channel shows and appearing in several movies, but her role in Scream Queens is earning her more headlines than ever before. And having not heard of her until seeing
Read More-Eugenie Bouchard- Instagram: geniebouchard Twitter: @geniebouchard Known for: Playing professional tennis; winning the WTA Most Improved Player award for the 2014 season. – If you follow tennis, you may have already heard of 21 year-old Canadian phenom Eugenie Bouchard. Genie attracts many headlines both for her play – winning the WTA Most Improved Player award last year – and for her stunning looks. The Canadian tennis star has steadily improved since turning pro a few years ago, and reached a ranking as high as fifth in the world last year. Unfortunately, Eugenie
Read More-Ronda Rousey- Twitter: @rondarousey Instagram: rondarousey Known for: Being the most badass female on the entire planet. -Sometimes we go with obvious names – no shame in that. Ronda Rousey is a UFC fighter, as you’re probably aware. But there is nothing unattractive about this female brawler. Sure, she might kick every competitor’s ass and knock them out cold in less than a minute, but let’s be honest – Ronda Rousey is still gorgeous. Here at Writtalin, when it comes to Woman Crush Wednesday, we don’t consider the fact that a
Read More-Carlson Young- Twitter: @FollowCarlson Instagram: carlsonyoung Known for: Starring as Brooke in MTV’s Scream TV Series. -Yeah, so MTV rebooted the famous Scream series of movies as a TV show. If you’re like me, you had no idea that this was a thing either. But, lo and behold, it is. And the other day, I happened to be in the same room as someone watching the new Scream for TV, and I actually started paying attention – mostly due to a gorgeous actress who plays the character of Brooke. Carlson Young is a beautiful
Read More-Rosabell Sellers- Twitter: @rosa_seller Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rosabell-Laurenti-Sellers/328780450541079 Known for: Playing Tyene Sand, one of the Sand Snakes, and “the most beautiful woman in the world” in Game of Thrones. – If you haven’t noticed, I kind of have a weak spot for Game of Thrones girls, and why wouldn’t I? The HBO show features scores of beautiful women like Natalie Dormer, Sophie Turner, and many more. This season has given us the latest addition in gorgeous girls on the show, in the form of Tyene Sand, played by Rosabell Sellers. In season five, Sellers has been
Read More-Maika Monroe- Twitter: @maikamonroe Instagram: maikamonroe Known for: Starring in indie horror film It Follows; being a professional kiteboarder. – 22 year-old Maika Monroe is a gorgeous girl of many talents. As an actress, Maika recently starred in It Follows, a very interesting, unique indie horror movie that you should definitely check out if you haven’t already. Maika received much praise for her performance in the critically-acclaimed film, and it has apparently landed her a leading role in the upcoming sequel to Independence Day. Maika is also a professional kiteboarder, which is pretty damn cool
Read More-Kelly Brook- Twitter: @iamkellybrook Instagram: iamkb Known for: Being a model; appearing in a few assorted movies. -Kelly Brook is a 35-year old British model who you definitely need to know if you do not yet. Just named #10 in FHM’s list of the hottest women of 2015, Kelly Brook is a must-follow on social media if you like beautiful women…which I assume you probably do if you are reading this. Check out some pictures of Kelly below and then give her a follow!
Read More-Natalie Dormer- Twitter: @nat_dormer (semi-official fan page) Facebooke: facebook.com/natdormer (semi-official fan page) Known for: Playing Queen Margaery on HBO’s Game of Thrones. -Natalie Dormer isn’t the first hottie from Game of Thrones that we’ve featured here (see: Sophie Turner), and she most likely will not be the last. The critically-acclaimed show is full of gorgeous women, and Natalie Dormer is amongst the most lovely. Playing the scheming and smart Queen Margaery, Dormer’s character’s story arc will be one of the biggest ones to watch this season. Check out a few pictures of this beauty below!
Read More-Hannah Davis- Twitter: @hanni_davis Instagram: hanni_davis Known for: Being the Covergirl of 2015’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. -You’ve probably seen Hannah Davis before, because being on the cover of Sports Illustrated‘s Swimsuit Issue is a pretty big deal. But if you don’t know her by name, now is the time to change that. This gorgeous girl turns 25 next month, and is one of the most sought-after models on the planet right now. Check out some smokin’ photos below, and then, of course, give homegirl a follow!
Read More-Grace Helbig- Twitter: @gracehelbig Instagram: gracehelbig Known for: Being sexy and funny; starring in her own show on E! -You know what I love? Women that can make me laugh. Whether in my personal life or with celebrities, there are few things sexier than a really funny female. One such woman is Grace Helbig, who recently debuted on E! with The Grace Helbig Show, after an early career full of appearances in commercials, YouTube videos, television, and several other formats. Check out a few photos of this hilarious hottie below and then
Read MorePosted On April 15, 2015By Samantha SurfaceIn Girls, Manzone
-Lauryn Eagle- Twitter: @lauryneagle Instagram: lauryneagle Known for: Throwing punches while looking flawless Lauryn Eagle is an Australian boxer and water skiing champion. Not only is she a professional boxer from Down Under, she can also add model and Celebrity Apprentice Australia alum to her resume. Eagle runs her own boot camps, Eagle Fitness, in Australia- take a look at her Instagram and you’ll want to fly down there for the classes too. She’s may not be that well-known in the United States, but she should be to you. You’re welcome,
Read More-Chelsea Salmon- Twitter: @chelshbelsh Instagram: chelseasalmon1 Known for: Being a model. Being really hot. -Chelsea Salmon is a gorgeous model who has appeared in a wide range of magazines, and even had a brief acting appearance in Entourage. Chelsea is a mom, but even after the birth of one child, and with another on the way, this blonde beauty is certainly still model material. Check out some smokin’ photos of Chelsea below!
Read More-Barbara Palvin- Twitter: @barbarapalvin Instagram: realbarbarapalvin Known for: Being a gorgeous model. Duh. -Barbara Palvin is a stunning Hungarian model and actress who has modeled for Armani, H&M, and Victoria’s Secret, to name just a few of the brands on her resume. This Eastern European goddess might not be as well known in the United States as some of the more famous Victoria’s Secret Angels, but she deserves all of the accolades she can get. One look at her Instagram photos below should convince you that you need to be following her
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