Posted On August 26, 2014 By In Girlzone, Lifestyle

A Standard Night Out for a Millennial



First, you decide what kind of tone you want for the night



Then, the pregame…aka probably the only part of the night you will remember













You might confront your roommate about how they never clean up their shit













You will probably end up at a bar and probably see something shocking











Then you will bond with random strangers in the bathroom line










You might get mad at your friends (and see a food truck)










You will probably trip at some point and deny any inebriation (acceptance is the first step…)













The most amazing food will ever taste




You have accepted the fact you will have a hangover






Then it is time to go to sleep



Goodnight my crazy millennials!

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The Bored Millennial is your pop culture guru, best friend and rude grandmother figure that has been missing from your daily life. She focuses on talking about the things that really matter... like entertainment. Besides the obvious - being a bored millennial - she lives in Los Angeles and is in search of finding the perfect corgi.