When I was in my early college years, I tried to convince myself that I had ADD so I could get myself on Adderall. I had an eating disorder and thought that this trendy drug would speed up my “lose every pound of fat or kill yourself” diet. The truth is, I just get distracted like everyone else. In fact, I came to It’s A Grind today to read and write, but have spent the last 1.5 hours narcissistically browsing photo albums on Facebook while simultaneously posting recipes on Pinterest
Read MoreRelationships succeed when each party gives their all, so if you want to be treated like royalty, start treating your partner the same way. It’s the golden rule, essentially. “Treat Others The Way You Wish To Be Treated.” If you stop treating your relationship in terms of what YOU want and what YOU’RE getting, and instead give everything to make your partner happy, chances are (if you’ve got a good one) they’ll do the exact same thing for you. As you read through this list, it won’t seem like
Read MoreThere was once a time I dabbled in online dating (is it called dabbling if it goes on for 10 months?). During this period in my life I went on dates with total strangers from Tinder, O.K.Cupid, Plenty of Fish- pretty much anything that could lead to a free dinner. Anyway, during the summer of 2013, I was casually dating a man named Sam. Sam was older than me, had lived in cool places, prided himself on being a great chef, and was a former military man. Sam invited me
Read MoreFinding a significant other can feel like hitting the jackpot. It’s awesome to have that person to share your life with, to text when something funny happens, to cuddle with at night. Entering into a relationship brings a lot of changes. One of those changes is that people will perceive you differently if you’re taken. There are many misconceptions and assumptions that come with being in a relationship, especially when you’re a woman. There are some things that ladies in relationships just don’t want to hear. You’re going to
Read MoreAfter a breakup we all wonder, “What is my ex thinking about?” This is not only a female mindset but an across the board irrational thinking phase, if you will. For a little while after a breakup it is healthy to grieve and normal to catch yourself hoping he is thinking about you, but after a while it gets old and ugly. So to save some time and help those of you stuck somewhere between breakup and the break down, here is the general of what all exes are thinking.
Read MoreMy last relationship was perfect. On paper. It was the kind of relationship that you dressed up in the clothes that you kept on the other side of the closet for. The kind that came with free coffee and the opportunity of advancement. Where you pretended to know about things you only had a vague idea about. It was the kind that made your mom happy. That made you feel like a grown-up. It was the kind of relationship that paid well, had a great healthcare plan, and you could
Read MoreCollege is a time for experimentation and expansion of horizons. Some students take a more, um, licentious route than others. Nearly everyone loses some kind of interpersonal or sexual inhibitions when they are on their own for the first time, and a lot of people end up with one-time sexual encounters with strangers, no strings attached. It’s almost like a game. Cursory Eye-contact with a stranger in the PIKE basement turns into a 4 AM Stride of Pride back home faster than you can say hook up culture. However, I’m
Read MoreThe meaning of ‘love’ has become so elusive, and it continues to grow even more so with each year that reality roughens up our baby skin. Unfortunately, the older and supposedly wiser we get, the more we overanalyse, and the more muddled every situation becomes. Whether we are single, taken, in an ambiguous partial commitment, only sexually committed, declared aromantic—whatever, the lines around the word ‘love’ remain blurred. The problem is, when it comes to love, romance, sex and relationships, we are all terribly fickle people. We don’t know what
Read MoreI am a sucker for love and a sucker for those in love. I want everyone to be happy due to romance. Many people in Gen-Y don’t believe in love, have never had it, or, just don’t think they have the time for it. Due to changes in traditions- like having close guy/girl friends or maybe even close co-workers, we may ignore the fact that love is right in our face, or we just don’t even know it…yet. I am always the first to call out people who either A)
Read MoreThe other day at my nerdy retail job, I was once again reminded that I don’t get paid enough when a middle-aged stranger (as he was purchasing Playboy and a bar of Godiva chocolate) licked his lips and said, “You should call me. I could look into those big, beautiful eyes all night. Are you Persian?” Good lord. It’s no secret that my workplace breeds the occasional overly-flirtatious man. Perhaps it’s some sort of power-trip that guys need to ride in order to feel masculine, or maybe it’s because we sell The
Read MoreAs I was out a restaurant for dinner the other night, a couple sat down to a table directly to the right of where we were sitting. From the moment they sat down, the guy was on his phone and literally didn’t proceed to look at his date once. When I looked at the girl that he was with, I noticed that she had seemed to be sad and had a defeated look about her. Being an outsider to their relationship, I had found myself feeling quite bad for her.
Read MoreLast time we met, I opened up this dialogue about never being in a relationship, how it’s a stigma, and why I am in this particular position. Today, I’d like to discuss a relationship phenomenon that is HUGE in our generation, and the bane of “unicorns” (late teens or twenty-something’s who have never been a relationship) everywhere: the friend zone. I’ve been there. You’ve been there. We’ve all been there. And it sucks. If you don’t know what I’m referring to, you should check your back for loose wiring,
Read MoreA while ago, after exchanging what I deemed an acceptable amount of messages with a guy on OKCupid, I gave him my number. A few rounds of witty banter later, he hit me with a question every guy, including my dad…okay, especially my dad…loves to ask at the first chance he gets: So why are you still single? I could get asked why I’m single every day until I’m no longer single (if and when that day ever comes), and it would still fill me with the same combination of
Read More 1. You sort of catch on that the guy you’ve been talking to might have feelings for you, and that freaks you out. 2. Like, you’re filled with a combination of confusion and inexplicable dread. The type of inexplicable dread that just weighs on you, paralyzes you. 3. Being physically intimate with someone is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. “This guy is going to see me naked? Who gives a fuck?” But if he asks you about your goals, or fears, or god forbid, what you want out of this relationship, your mouth seals shut
Read MoreI woke up the other morning, in company of a stray popcorn kernel (I get rowdy on Friday nights) and it dawned on me, suddenly. I can’t remember the last time I cried, minus that Saturday night I didn’t get a bacon wrapped hotdog and I was starving. I do feel disappointed that I let myself suffer in a relationship that was no longer serving me, but I’m not heart broken any longer. I mostly feel relieved that I don’t have to have sexual intercourse like a married forty year
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